Asia's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth 亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。
Biologists say the area might be large enough to support a self-sustaining population. 生物学家称这个地区的面积可能足以让一个自我维系的种群生存下来。
• if yes, is the quantity of cash flow such that it could be self-sustaining? •若有,现金流数量能实现自我维持吗?
Many non-governmental organizations support the creation of self-sustaining programs in poor countries. 许多非政府组织支持贫困国家开展自谋生计的项目。
We will help disaster victims become self-sustaining, he said. 我们将帮助灾民自立,他说。
As a self-sustaining entity, CCRIF relies on its own reserves and reinsurance to finance itself. 作为一个自负盈亏的实体,该基金依靠其自有储备和再保险机制来筹资。
The case for this is that the private sector creates self-sustaining excesses on the upside and the downside. 这样做的理由在于,私人部门在上升和下降趋势中造成了自我维系的过度。
This assistance can ensure that the financial and other aid given to Greece shall be used effectively in creating a stable and self-sustaining economy and in improving its public administration. 这些援助可以保证得到的财政和其它援助在建立稳定的、独立的经济体系,改进公共管理时得到有效的利用。
The chain reaction is self-sustaining. 连锁反应是自持的。
But its ability to create self-sustaining growth was suspect. 但其创造自主增长的能力令人怀疑。
And now it's the state's only self-sustaining scallop farm. 现在它是美国唯一自产干贝的农场。
That said, the business model for Monteverdi is intended to be self-sustaining rather than profitable. 说白了,蒙特威尔第的商业模式旨在自我运转,而非出于赢利目的。
Here, have a hand all hope! If you, so you will be self-sustaining life? 在这里,拥有一只手都是奢望!如果是你,你还会这样自立的生活吗?
The point at which a nuclear reaction is self-sustaining. 临界点核反应能够自我维持的一个点。
New Songdo City exists as a prototype model of new city expansion and development, designed to be self-sustaining neighborhoods with connective links to surrounding urban centers. 松岛新城市都出现了新的城市扩展和发展自我设计,原型模式维持社区与周围城市中心结缔组织联系。
Overall, there are no signs of a self-sustaining, long-term recovery, he said. 他表示:总体来说,没有迹象显示经济已开始自我维持的长期复苏。
Nations that cannot get a self-sustaining recovery going, including China, face the risk of relapse. 无法实现自持性复苏的国家(包括中国),将面临经济再度恶化的风险。
He warns that, while Asia has had a good crisis, this does not mean it has yet made anything like a full transition to the self-sustaining growth of which it is capable. 他警告,尽管亚洲很好地度过了危机,但这并不意味着亚洲已彻底完成了向自我持续型增长模式的转变,尽管亚洲有能力实现这种转型。
He said the challenge is for the centre to become a stable, self-sustaining not-for-profit organisation. 他说该中心面临的挑战是成为一个稳定的、自我持续的、非营利的组织。
Yes, you are expected to be financially self-sustaining. 是的,你期望自己有独立的经济能力。
Economic rebounds driven by fiscal stimuli will not be self-sustaining without a fix of banking systems. 如果不整顿好银行系统,单靠财政刺激措施推动的经济复苏是难以为继的。
On the one hand, the society demands a generation that fully comprehends how to lead a self-sustaining life. 一方面,社会需要的是一代能够充分理解如何自立生活的孩子。
In this process, Source maintains Itself as the perpetual and infinitely self-sustaining energy of Source that can never be depleted. 在这个过程中,源头保持它自身并且作为永久和无限的可自我维持的能量源头,能量将永不枯竭。
For a self-sustaining magnetic field to materialize from a planet, a third factor is necessary: rotation. 行星要产生能自我维持的磁场,还有第三个条件:旋转。
The data suggested an increasingly self-sustaining eurozone recovery might help to compensate for slower growth elsewhere in the world. 上述数据表明,越来越能够自我维系的欧元区复苏,或许有助于弥补全球其它地区出现的经济增长放缓。
A market failure exists when market prices cannot reach a self-sustaining equilibrium. 当市场价格不能达到自我持续的平衡时,市场就存在某种缺陷。
The self-sustaining bacterial community, which thrives in nutrient-rich groundwater found near a South African gold mine, has been isolated from the Earth's surface for several million years. 这个自养性的、在南非金矿富营养的地下水中旺盛生长的细菌群体,与地球表面隔绝了数百万年。
Call upon us to master symbiotic relations with others and the self-sustaining thought-form necessary to enter the Great Central Sun. 召唤我们以掌握和其他万物的共生关系和进入大中枢太阳所必需的自我维生之思想形态。
Not being self-sustaining, its function is to supplement advertising, personal selling, and publicity. 由于其本身没有自我持续的能力,它的作用就是作为广告、个人销售和宣传等推销活动的补充。
1942-Manhattan Project: A team led by Enrico Fermi initiate the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. 1942年曼哈顿计划:一支由恩里科·费尔米率领下的小组启动了第一条自给核反应链。