Mass produce those combinations between selfed lines that exhibit a great deal of hybrid vigor. 在自交系之间选杂交优势很大的那些组合进行大量生产。
Rate of cell division and number of embryo and endosperm cells in normal development of crossed seed were slower in comparison with those in selfed seed. 杂交发育正常种子之胚细胞及胚乳细胞分裂速度及分裂细胞数目均不如自交者。
The species and clonal composition of an orchard will, therefore, influence the amount of selfed seed in the total seed yield. 因此,种子园的树种和无性系组成,会影响种子总产量中自交种子所占的数量。
The electrophoretic comparisons between original and two selfed generations showed that the new variant had genetic stability. 经过两年的种植和比较测定表明它具有遗传稳定性,证明是一个新的遗传变异体。
Resistance of CMV CP transgenic tomato to CMV in selfed Progenies 转CMVCP基因番茄植株的抗病表现
Improved CMS line of Zao 49 was similar to its recurrent parent in economic traits with backcross generation, but it has severe selfed depression. 改良不育系从外部形态上接近轮回亲本,但是随着回交世代的增加衰退现象较为严重。
In addition, the disintegration of synergid and antipodal cells in hybrid was similar to that of common wheat when it was selfed. 此外,杂种胚囊中助细胞和反足细胞的退化情况,与普通小麦自交时情况相似。
This paper summarized the reason of selfed seed of F 1 hybrids in wheat distant hybridization. One formed unreduced gametes and produced amphidiploids. 本文阐述了小麦远缘杂交F1代自然结实的原因:一是形成未减数配子,产生双二倍体;
The embryo weight and the concentration of kernel oil, grain protein, embryo oil and endosperm oil were significantly higher in NOC after being pollinated with HOP than that of selfed kernel. 普通玉米×高油玉米杂交当代籽粒的油分含量、蛋白质含量、胚重、胚油分和胚乳油分含量显著提高;淀粉含量则显著低于母本自交的淀粉含量。
The selfed seed set of 4 non-1B/ 1R hybrids was significantly higher than that of 1B/ 1R hybrids, which showed that restoration performance was correlated to the nucleus-type except alloplasmic cytoplasms. 2非1B/1R型杂种自交结实率明显高于1B/1R型杂种,并达极显著差异,说明恢复性除受异源细胞质影响外,还与核内染色体核型密切相关;
Reasons of Selfed Seed of F_1 Hybrids in Wheat Distant Hybridization 小麦远缘杂交F1代自然结实的原因
The study showed that the interspecific hybrids ( So) selfed to get clones ( S1) by rescue of immature embryo, and seed setting rate improved from generation to next generation. 研究发现种间杂种(So)通过幼胚挽救获得自交结实无性系(S1),其后代结实率逐代提高。
By now, selfed seeds from transgenic wheat were obtained and sown in the soil. 目前,转基因小麦已分别得到且自交后代已经播种。