Fearlessness stems from selflessness.; Only the selfless can be fearless. 无私故能无畏。
And when we lose them – in a final act of selflessness and service – we know that they died so that their brothers and sisters, so that our nation, might live. 当他们离我们整个世界而去的时候这是他们最后一次无私的奉献和服务我们知道他们用自己的死换来了他们的兄弟姐妹和我们国家的生。
Selflessness can be a double-edged sword for considerate people. 阿卜杜哈利姆说,对善解人意的人来说,无私是柄双刃剑。
What we need more of is people who truly understand the power behind selflessness. 我们更需要那些能够真正懂得无私的伟大力量的人。
When Muslim parents reach old age, they are treated mercifully, with kindness and selflessness. 当穆斯林父母年事渐高,我们必须以仁慈与无私的精神宽厚地对待他们。
Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly. 勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上全都表现得很突出。
An important factor of leadership is selflessness. 所以领导力的一个特点是无私。
Selflessness and another is teamwork, suppressing your own interest for the good of the team. 另外一个因素是无私和合作,把团队利益放在个人利益前。
All his selflessness and passion only won the family's cold response. 他一直以来的无私和热诚换来的却是家人的冷漠与遗弃。
Selflessness, Alexander the Great. 还有一个无私的例子是亚历山大。
All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness. 一切革命工作都需要热情和忘我精神。
It is the hallmark of angels that they have a sense of individuality as well as a high-degree of selflessness, which allows them to feel one with collective energies and be joyfully in their service. 他们的标志是:既有个体性也具有高度的无私,那可以使他们觉察到自身与集体能量的联系,也能令他们有服务别人的快乐。
His selflessness inspired them with respect. 他的忘我精神使他们肃然起敬。
She was warmly praised for her selflessness [ devotion to work]. 她的大公无私[全心全意地工作]受到了热情的赞扬。
The death of the internet activist Aaron Swartz at the age of 26 has rightly evoked tributes to his creativity and selflessness. 26岁的互联网活动家亚伦斯沃茨(AaronSwartz)去世,理所当然地唤起了人们对其创意和无私的赞颂。
Selflessness: meeting the needs of others than ourselves; 无私:满足别人的需求多于满足自己的需求;
In earnest, he developed a selflessness that dominated his whole life, but not without personal sacrifice. 他坚定不移地培养了一种无私的精神,这种精神贯穿他的一生,从不考虑个人的得失。
He was drawn to Christianity because its lessons of helping others and of selflessness reinforced his own beliefs about what is important in life. 奥巴马被基督教深深的吸引,因为它的关于帮助他人和无私奉献的教训增强了他的信仰:生命中什么最重要。
His selflessness and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get. 他大公无私的精神和天赋是他适合担当大多数学生梦想得到的那项工作。
Flowers understand most the selflessness of spring rains. 花儿最懂得春雨的无私;
Teaching calls for enthusiasm and selflessness. 教学需要热情和忘我的精神。
I applaud their bravery and selflessness and I look forward to presenting them with their awards personally. “我赞赏他们的勇敢和无私,所以我希望我能够亲自给他们颁奖”。
And they inspire a Nation with their selflessness and their courage. 他们用无私和勇气来激励一个民族。
"One who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness." 表现出善良,纯洁和无私的人
Become totally absorbed in the moment by performing acts of such utter selflessness that you forget yourself. 成为完全吸收了目前这种行为表演,你忘记自己的境地。
You have shown true selflessness and bravery. 你已经展示了无私和勇敢。
You are expected to develop selflessness and cultivate emotional or psychological insights rather than the practical, material insights that come more naturally to you. 你被期望显露出无私和培养情感或心理旳洞察,而不是来自于自身本能旳现实和物质见识。
On this holiday, we pause to celebrate the love and compassion of the women who have raised us, and to thank them for the many years of patience and selflessness. 这个节日里,我们不是要赞扬那些养育了我们的母亲的爱和激情而是去感谢他们这么多年来的耐心和无私。
The so-called selflessness essentially is selfishness in nature! 你所谓的无私其实本质上还是私啊!
We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him. 我们大家要学习他毫无自私自利之心的精神。