But semantically, the object is also special in utilizing an inheritance tree for method resolution. 但是从语义上说,对象的特殊之处还在于利用继承树来进行方法解析。
The information to be presented can be semantically defined to correlate with the user preferences. 所要呈现的信息可以在语义上定义为与用户喜好相关联。
Another extension situation is where you have a complex type that is semantically equivalent to a NIEM type but you need to alter or add to it in some way. 另一个扩展情形是,您具有一个语义上等价于NIEM类型的复杂类型,但是需要在某些方面做修改或者添加内容。
Semi-structured data generally contains tags or other elements to separate semantically related elements that imply some details about the associated data. 半结构化数据一般包含标记或其他元素,以从语义上分隔那些隐含了关于相关数据的一些详细信息的相关元素。
Because of that, a DXL document is usually not semantically meaningful for your data. 因此,对于数据,DXL文档在语义上通常没有任何意义。
A relationship correlates at least two semantically equivalent business objects that are represented in different physical formats. 关系将两个(或更多)物理表现形式不同而语义上相同的业务对象关联起来。
OWL Full is fully upward-compatible with RDF, both syntactically and semantically: any legal RDF document is also a legal OWL Full document. OWLFull可以与RDF完全向上兼容,不管语义还是语法都可以保持兼容:任何合法的RDF文档同时也是一个合法的OWLFull文档。
This underlines that you should use DOUBLE indexes if you want semantically correct numeric comparisons. 这里强调了如果想从语义上进行正确的数值比较,则应使用DOUBLE索引。
All three kind of parentheses are semantically equivalent and are shown in the snippet below. 三种括号在语义上等价,如下面的代码段所示。
This technically doesn't violate the rules of semantic equivalence& the content in both documents are semantically the same. 从技术上讲这并没有违反语义等价的规则,两个文档的内容在语义上是相同的。
Effective round-tripping ensures that the input and output documents are identical ( semantically equivalent). 有效的往返保证输入和输出文档是相同的(语义等价)。
As you can observe in this code, the and tags have been semantically tagged to provide their class attributes with special meanings, which is evaluated during DOM parsing by the LOF. 正如您在代码中观察到的那样,和标签是语义上有意义的,以提供带有特殊意义的类属性,它是通过LOF分析DOM期间得到评价的。
A smart Web application can be designed using an adaptive user interface, intelligent processing logic, and a semantically defined knowledge base. 一个自适应用户界面,加上智能处理逻辑和一些语义定义的知识库,只需这些内容您就可以设计一个智能Web应用程序了。
Operations defined as part of a single service interface should be semantically related. 定义为单个服务接口一部分的操作应该从语义上相关。
The RDT editor is not sophisticated enough yet to filter out all syntactically correct, but semantically incorrect entries. RDT编辑器还不完善,无法过滤出所有语法上正确但是语义上不正确的条目。
I know that I'm getting into a semantically murky area by using the word "light" here. 我知道这里使用“light”一词,使我进入了一个语义模糊的状态。
Complex transformation is required to achieve semantically consistent data. 需要进行复杂转换,以实现数据的语义一致性。
These baselines are semantically rich objects that identify a "version" of a UCM component. 这些基线从语义上描述了对象定义的UCM构件版本。
You can use colons to create semantically meaningful event names, such as WPS: BusinessLevelEvent: FundTransferEvent. 可以使用冒号来创建具有语义含义的事件名称,如WPS:BusinessLevelEvent:FundTransferEvent。
You would need to use XML in a way that is semantically transparent, which means that the constructs in the XML are described in a rich way that can be processed by a machine. 您可能需要以一种在语义上透明的方式使用XML,这也就是说,采用机器可处理的方式描述XML中的结构。
You can use this method when there is a semantically equivalent element in the NIEM model, but it does not quite meet your needs. 当NIEM模型中有一个语义上等价的元素,但是却不太满足需求时,可以使用该方法。
For example, in my model, I have a CountyCode property that is semantically equivalent to the NIEM abstract element nc: LocationCounty that appears inside an address. 例如,在我的模型中,我有一个CountyCode属性,它在语义上等价于出现在地址中的NIEM抽象元素nc:LocationCounty。
It also feels semantically wrong to me. 我也觉得它语义上存在问题。
Verbal idioms of separate-combinative valence can be classified semantically into two classes: attribute idioms and act idioms. 分合价动词性成语从语义上可以分为两类:属性类成语和动作类成语。
Each article is semantically related to the API ( s) s that it is about. 每一篇文章都是和API语义相关的。
In order to effectively describe services semantically we need to have an understanding of what elements need to be modeled within our semantic description. 为了有效地对服务进行语义化描述,我们得明白在我们的语义描述里需要对哪些元素进行建模。
Semantic opacity in Japanese mainly results from the use of semantically vague, polysemic, and general lexis. 日语中主要使用语义模糊词语、多义词和语义概括(笼统)词语等来表达不明确的语义。
And attribute idioms can be classified semantically into comparison class and relation class. 属性类成语又可分为比较类和关系类。属于或关于鸣禽鸟类的。
It's a little more straightforward now, but even then semantically frankly it's a little confusing. 现在这就稍微简单点了,但是,根据语义,它有点令人困惑的。
We think that appearance classifiers are those, which can semantically reflect the appearance traits of objects. 我们认为现代汉语名量词中,在语义上能够体现形状特征的词是形状量词。