Intended Time of Enrollment and Duration: Each academic year is divided into two semesters. 预定入学时间及选读期间:每学年分上、下学期。
When her mother returned from USA, she had been studying in the University for two semesters. 当她母亲从美国回来时,她在这所大学里已读了两个学期。
Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. 通常一个学生预计花四年时间,每年参加两个学期。
This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters. 这是门两个学期学完的必修课。
In your first three semesters – Division I – you explore your interests by taking eight different classes. 前面三个学期称第一阶段,在这一阶段中,你通过八门不同课程来探索你的兴趣。
The semester-long program takes place during the fall and spring semesters and is coordinated by MIT students with the support of the Public Service Center. 这个以学期为单位的计划每年春季和秋季学期都会进行,由麻省理工学院学生在公共服务中心的支援下统合完成。
I fulfilled my animal husbandry credit requirement with two semesters of goat herding. 我用了两个学期去牧羊来得到我的驯养动物学分。
The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second is January through May. 一学年有两个学期,第一学期从九月到十二月,第二学期从一月到五月。
If two semesters, can the teacher remain on school premises during holiday period? 若是两学期,假期期间外教可否在学校居住?
During three semesters, he will have to pass 48 preliminary tests, then the main exams in the fourth and last semester. 他在前三个学期内必须要通过48次初试,然后是第四学期和最后一个学期的大考。
Assuming any profession has its length classes each semester with two semesters each semester, and the length of time limits on the credits are equivalent. 教学计划编制在学的每个专业都要制定教学计划。假设任何专业都有固定的学习班年限,每学期含两个学期,每学期的时间长度和学分上限值均相等。
This course includes problem sets and solutions, as well as exams and solutions from previous semesters. 本课程包含了习题与解答,以及取自过往学期的测验与解答。
Some semesters have many; some don't. 有些学期有很多门考试,有些却没有。
This is the second of two semesters of graduate structures courses for architects. 此为两学期研究所建筑师结构课程的第二学期。
Exams from the current semester, as well as previous semesters, are provided in the table below. A formula sheet ( PDF) for use on exams is also provided. 下表提供了本学期和之前学期的试题,包括考试使用的方程式说明(PDF)。
Listed below are seleted student compositions, by topic, from previous semesters. 下表为依不同主题目,挑选出前几个学期学生的作文例。
Get all A's in your first two semesters and you might on the Dean's Honor Roll and a win a small cash award.111. 比如,在你的第一学年获全A,你可能将登上院长荣誉榜,这会帮你获得小额现金奖励。
The last three semesters, she made the honor roll. 过去三个学期都上了名人榜。
You have provided a transcript for six semesters or less. 最新收到的信息,意味着我一定要补寄第七学期成绩么。
Although program requirements are shown in four semesters they do not have to be taken consecutively. 虽然是四个学期的课程,但并不要求学生连续修完。
Students must attend school full time for2 consecutive semesters ( 9 months and18 credit hours) before they are eligible to take a vacation from their studies. 学生必须参加2个连续学期的全日制课程(9个月以及18个学分)后才有资格放假。
Based in Suzhou, China, you will study full-time for18 months ( 3 semesters). 专业教学采用全日制授课方式,学制18个月(3学期),学习地点为中国苏州。
During her first two semesters, she often stayed up late studying because she knew she had to get the highest GPA in her class to qualify for the scholarship. 在头两个学期她经常熬夜学习,应为她知道必须在班上取得最高的平均积分点才有资格获得那份奖学金。
English schools have three terms ( semesters), separated by vacations. 英国学校一年有三个学期,被假期分开。
There are two semesters in our academic year. 我们一学年两学期。
One academic year consists of two semesters, that is, the spring semester and the autumn semester, each semester usually has18-20 weeks, of which the last two weeks is for examinations. 华南师范大学一年分为春季和秋季两个学期,每学期约18-20周,其中最后两周为复习考试时间。
You dropped out of Stanford after two semesters, Einstein. 你刚念两个学期就从斯坦福退学了,爱因斯坦。
Numbers are hard. That's why we teach whole semesters worth of courses in number theory. 因此我们整个学期关于数学理论,的学习也是物有所值。