PREFIX (用于形容词和名词前构成其他形容词和名词)表示“半”,“部分” Semi- combines with adjectives and nouns to form other adjectives and nouns that describe someone or something as being partly, but not completely, in a particular state.
He found Isabel's room in semi-darkness. 他觉得伊莎贝尔的房间光线有些昏暗。
The memory ( or semi-) synchronous mode is a variation of both synchronous and asynchronous. 内存异步模式(或半异步模式)是介于同步模式和异步模式之间的一个变体。
Have I convinced you that journalism is the only real career choice for curious, restless semi-narcissists like me? 写到这里,我有没有让你相信,对我这种好奇心重、不安分的半自我陶醉者来说,记者是唯一真正的职业选择吗?
Kim Jong-il looks set to be the last North Korean leader to enjoy a semi-divine status and rule the nation single-handedly. 金正日(kimjong-il)看来将成为朝鲜最后一位拥有半神半人地位并独揽国家大权的领导人。
Geiger klemperer counter The Creeping Motion in the Entry Region of a Semi-Infinite Circular Cylindrical Tube 盖革克勒姆佩雷尔计数管半无穷长圆管内的低雷诺数入口流
A Method to Determine the Eddy Diffusive Coefficient in Semi-Closed Bay 确定无河湾海水涡动扩散系数的一种方法
Economic reform seems to have stalled and European Central Bank monetary policy is on semi-permanent hold. 经济改革似乎停滞不前,欧洲央行的货币政策处于半永久的暂停状态。
Thought it ideal that adopting the technology of low salt low temperature solid liquid ferment and semi-finished products to be exposed to the sun. 认为采用“低盐低温固稀发酵”加上后期半成品油“晒制增香”的生产工艺较为理想。
It is made up of convey mechanism and send-pipe mechanism. The second category is known as semi-positive let-off. 它由输送机构与喂管机构二大部分组成。第二种是半积极式送经机构。
Type of government, In which the state be a federation of semI-autonomous province or state, with a central federal government 一种政府形式:国家是由半自治省或州组成的联邦,并有一个中央联邦政府
The thinking at NATO is that it would provide the forum for a security discussion with China, as well as Russia, instead of leaving them semi-detached. 北约的想法是,上合组织将提供一个与中国及俄罗斯进行安全磋商的平台而不让他们保持若即若离的态度。
To become shiny or lustrous. make dim or lusterless. The color finish--of semi-glass or satin appearance--is say to is permanent 这种彩色抛光剂外表为半光泽或缎状据说是很耐久的
As soon as the heats have been run off, we shall begin the semi-finals. 预赛一结束,我们就将开始半决赛。
Build XML-Based data exchange flat to transform structured data with semi-structured data; 建立基于XML的数据交换平台,用于结构化数据和半结构数据之间的转换;
The microstructures and impact toughness of low alloys semi-steel with different extent of deformation were studied. 研究了不同变形量的低合金半钢的组织与冲击韧性。
The semi-visualization experimental setup is established and tested. 建立了半可视化环路型脉动热管的实验台并进行了实验。
The relations between relative hereditary rings, semi-hereditary rings and hereditary rings are studied. 讨论了左相对遗传环与左遗传环,左半遗传环的关系,并给出了左遗传环的几个新的刻划。
In Chapter Two, the vector-valued E-convex functions, semi-E-convex functions on a E-convex set are defined. 在第二章中,定义了E-凸集上的向量值E-凸函数,半E-凸函数。
Flow industry is an enterprise of continuous and semi-continuous process of manufacture. 流程工业是连续型和半连续型生产过程的企业。
The process of root semi-parasitism of sandalwood in Hibiscus was also investigated. 此外还观察了檀香和寄主植物扶桑建立半寄生吸器的过程。
The tunnel uses the semi-transverse ventilation system. 该隧道采用半横向通风系统,是中国目前应用半横向通风系统并已建成运营的最长公路隧道。
System simulation was conducted and the crop growth under various combinations of water and soil fertility was analysised. Thus the study provided a theoretical model and quantitative basis for artificial control and regulation and optimum selection of crop growth system in semi-arid regions. 对不同水分和肥力条件下的作物生长进行了系统模拟和效果分析,从而为半干旱区作物生长系统的人工调控和选优提供了理论模式和定量依据。
Semi-automatic, and automatic timing method. 测量方式可选择手动、半自动和自动计时三种。
Discusses the relation and difference among semi-desert, desert and arid land; 讨论了半荒漠与荒漠及干旱地区的关系、区别;
Bolts of the semi-rigid beam-column connections are very important part. 半刚性梁柱连接中的组件&螺栓,它在节点连接中起着至关重要的作用。
Analyzed the lateral stability of semi-trailer; 研究和分析了半挂汽车列车的横向稳定性;
Using a semi-empirical theory, the chemical bond properties of Y-124 superconductor were calculated. 利用一种半经验方法研究了高温超导体Y124的化学键性质。
Established a semi-symmetry chain in a triangle, proved four supposes with it. 建立了三角形中一个半对称不等式链,应用其证明了4个猜想。
The supercritical extraction of Shenfu, Fushun and Datong coals is investigated on a semi-continuous apparatus. 以甲苯为溶剂在半连续装置上对神府、抚顺和大同三种年轻烟煤进行了超临界萃取研究。
The research of control algorithms is an important content for active control and semi-active control. 控制算法是主动控制和半主动控制研究的重要内容。
Based on the spring principle of physics, a new method of generating semi-unstructured grids is proposed. 根据物理学中的弹簧原理,提出一种半非结构网格生成的新方法,即挤压法。