No matter hybrid rice or conventional rice varieties, erect and semi-erect panicle rice varieties were suitable for equal row spacing cultivation for intercepting more light at canopy, while curved-panicle rice varieties were for wide-narrow row spacing cultivation for improving light intensities of middle and lower layer leaves. 不论是杂交稻还是常规稻,直立穗型和半直立穗型品种适宜等行距栽培以减少群体漏光,弯曲穗型品种适宜宽窄行栽培以改善中下层叶片的光照条件。
The wild species growing in clumps had erect stem and middle ability of plant division, those growing loosely had semi-erect stem and strong ability of plant division; 丛生类野生种的茎直立,分株力中等,散生类野生种的茎半直立,分株力强;
【 Conclusion 】 The erect and semi-erect panicle cultivars could translate higher ratio of the matter to panicle and produce more grain yield because of their high photosynthesis efficiency and great transportation ability. 【结论】直立和半直立穗品种由于具有较强的光合效率和物质转运能力,干物质分配到穗部的比例较大,产量较高。
The results showed that effects of fertilizer and irrigation on different varieties were unequal. The sequence was erect spike type cultivars and semi-erect spike cultivars> hybrid cultivars and bent cultivars. 结果表明:肥水处理对不同类型品种影响不同,直立穗型、半直立穗型>杂交稻和弯穗型品种;
The results showed that the yield increment of erect-panicle varieties was greater than that of semi-erect and curved panicle types, but the changes of yield components of three panicle types showed same trend with the increase of N application amount. 试验结果表明,随着施氮水平的提高,直立穗型品种产量增加幅度大于半直立和弯曲穗型品种,但产量构成因素的变化趋势,在各种穗型品种间变化基本一致。
The shoot is semi-erect with medium silky villus and the internode is mauve. 新梢半直立,绒毛中,丝毛,节间紫红色;
Rice varieties with different spike photosynthetic rate continued high value of the difference is very significant, semi-erect panicle varieties of active photosynthesis duration ( APD) was longer than curved panicle cultivars. 3. 不同穗型水稻品种间光合速率高值持续期的差异是极显著的,半直立穗型品种的光合速率高值持续期明显长于弯穗型品种。