Its273-hectare pine-covered grounds have a square southern boundary and a semicircular northern one, in accordance with the old idea that the Earth was square and Heaven was round. 它占地273公顷,遍植松树,南边以方形为界,北方则以半圆形为界,这与“天圆地方”这种古老的观念相吻合。
Cornish pasty is a baked savoury pastry case traditionally filled with diced meat, sliced potato and onion. Traditionally, pasties have a semicircular shape. 康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼很可口,通常它是一块烤成半圆的馅饼,里面会有肉丁、土豆块和洋葱。
This "brake" is favorable for enhancing drying of material in the semi-circle, so semicircular impinging stream drying can make full use of the drying capacity of drying media and enhance drying extent. 半环对物料的“制动”有利于提高物料在半环中的干燥,因此半环对撞流干燥有利于充分利用干燥介质的干燥能力和提高物料的干燥幅度。
These are stone benches arranged in rows, which give the semicircular bowl-shape of the theatre a corrugated surface. 这些长条型的石凳整齐的排列着,在半圆形碗状的剧院内形成波浪型的表面。
The storage cavity is rectangular, semicircular or in an artistic model on the facade. 储物空腔为正面呈矩形、半圆形或艺术造型的空腔。
A semicircular window over a door or window; usually has sash bars like the ribs of a fan. 门或窗上面的一个半圆的窗户;通常它有像扇子一样的一条条的骨状物。
The holding part is in a disc shape and is spliced by two semicircular metal parts; a through hole is arranged in the middle of the holding part for candles. 其中,上述的夹持件为由两块半圆形金属件拼接而成的盘状,中间设置有蜡烛穿过的通孔。
The bony semicircular canal was drilled until it was so thin that the membranous canal was visible as blue color, called blue line. 磨削骨半规管透过菲薄的骨质显示暗蓝色的膜半规管即为“蓝线”。
Raised semicircular particles are disposed on the upper surface of each arc-shaped balancing segment. 所述弧形平衡段上表面带有凸起的半圆形颗粒。
The findings support interpretations made from fossil evidence of an evolutionary change in the development of the human semicircular canals. 这些发现也支持了以前对人类半规管发展过程中不断进化的化石证据的解释。
Effect of Streptomycin Placing in the Fenestra of Semicircular Canals on the Function and Morphology of the Normal and Hydropic Ears in Guinea Pigs 半规管开窗放置链霉素对正常和膜迷路积水耳的内耳功能和形态学影响
Semicircular seating arrangements are ideal for comfort, interaction and line of sight. 半圆形的座位安排对于参与者的互动、视线和舒适度都是十分理想的。
High-frequency rotation sensation function damage of the crista of the horizontal semicircular canal induced by gentamicin and its morphological basis 庆大霉素对水平半规管壶腹嵴的高频旋转感受功能损伤及其形态学基础
This side of the promontory evidently formed a semicircular bay, which the sharp point sheltered from the breakers of the open sea. 海角的这一面显然形成了一个半圆形的海港,海里的浪花掩盖着海角的尖端。
A theater that offers semicircular seating. 提供半圆形坐椅的剧院。
On Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Bainite Transformation of Low and Medium Carbon Steels; a prefabricated shelter of corrugated iron having a semicircular cross section. 中低碳钢贝氏体形核长大动力学研究用波状钢制成的有一个半圆的横截面的用预制构件搭成的长方形房屋。
A small dilatation in a canal or duct, especially one in the semicircular canal of the ear. 壶腹通管或导管内的小的膨起,尤指耳朵的半规管内。
The ballute consists of a ballute cover and ropes, and the ropes are respectively connected with the sliding axle in the chute and the pull rod in the semicircular arc-shaped pull rod bracket. 气伞由伞罩、绳索组成,绳索分别与滑槽内滑动轴和半圆弧形拉杆架内拉杆连接。
Conclusion: The therapy effect of PRM was superior to postural striction, and all patients should be treated by PRM when the diagnosis of posterior semicircular canal BPPV was macle. 结论:PRM治疗效果明显优于体位限制治疗,凡后半规管BPPV诊断明确者均应给予PRM治疗。
The Canadian Shield is a semicircular band of rocky highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay form the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. 几乎整个加拿大被加拿大地盾所覆盖。这是一围绕哈得孙湾的半圆形的石头山地和高原。从魁北克省的北部海岸一直到西北领地的北极沿岸。
Our body is actually semicircular, so steps by the left and right leg of a person are different. 我们的身体实际上是半圆形的,所以一个人左腿和右腿迈出的步伐是不同的。
Objective: To evaluate the difference of vestibular compensation between triple semicircular canal occlusion ( TCO) and labyrinthectomy ( LE) in guinea pigs. 目的:比较豚鼠三半规管阻塞与迷路切除术后前庭功能代偿的异同。
A semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles. foreedge painting 量角器一种半圆形的量角和画角的工具
Control Study of Particle Repositioning Maneuver Therapy for Posterior Semicircular Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo 颗粒复位手法治疗后半规管良性发作性位置性眩晕的对照研究
Study on the Concave-shaped Semicircular Beam of Pre-stressed Steel Wire-wound Frame 预应力钢丝缠绕机架内凹型梁的研究
A trademark used for a prefabricated portable hut having a semicircular roof of corrugated metal that curves down to form walls. 小屋屋顶为半圆形,为波纹金属,卷下来可组成墙壁。
Landmarks for horizontal segment of the facial nerve: the facial nerve tracks forward inferior to short process of incus and anterior to horizontal semicircular canal carina in 30 angel. 面神经水平段标志位于砧骨短突之下;在水平半规管隆突前缘向前上呈30°行走;
The improved belt box is composed of two semicircular guard discs and parallel rollers with equal length positioned between the guard discs. 所改进后的带盒由两个半圆形挡盘和定位在挡盘之间的平行、等长的轴辊组成。
However, the semicircular canals that the researchers stimulated to control walking and balance detect rotational movements of the head, not the direction of gravity. 然而研究人员通过刺激可以控制行走和平衡的半规管却是检测头部的转动而不是重力的方向。
Objective To assess the efficacy of particle repositioning maneuver ( PRM) therapy for posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( PC-BPPV). 目的评价颗粒复位手法(PRM)在治疗后半规管良性发作性位置性眩晕(PC-BPPV)中的作用。