Annual semierect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage. 南美洲一年生灌木状半直立植物,结内有白色种子的长豆荚,常作草料。
The reasons were as follows: firstly, the varieties with erect and semierect panicle were dwarf with short basal internodes, which increased their lodging resistance; 主要原因在于:直立、半直立穗型品种株高偏矮,基部节间短,更有利于抗倒;
In general, rice varieties with erect and semierect panicle from northern China had smaller lodging index and stronger lodging resistance than those with curved panicle. 但从总体水平分析,北方稻区直立、半直立穗型粳稻品种比弯曲穗型品种倒伏指数小,抗倒性好。