Then the heuristic algorithms with low complexity are proposed, which use extended semijoin to reduce communication cost and use local disjunction, remote conjunction strategy to reduce respond time. 然后提出复杂性较低的启发式查询优化算法,采取扩展半连接的思路降低通信费用,以本地析取、异地合取的策略减少响应时间。
One is based on the multiple relations semijoin, which can be applied to the circumstance in which the cache of DDBS is the final assembly site of temporary query result; 一种是基于多关系半联接的优化算法,它适用于以分布式数据库系统的缓冲区作为查询的中间结果的最后装配站点这种情况;
This paper presents the directed weighted graph of semijoin in order to optimize semijoin execution plan. Furthermore, the fast and effective optimization algorithm is presented in order to produce optimum semijoin execution plan based on directed weighted graph of semijoin. 在对半连接执行方案进行优化时,提出了半连接加权有向图的概念,并给出了针对半连接加权有向图的半连接执行方案的快速有效的优化算法。
Intuitively, employing semijoin operations in a mobile computing environment is able to further reduce both the amount of data transmission and energy consumption. 直观的看来,在移动环境中使用半连接操作能有效减少数据传输量和电源消耗量。