All the work are done by children themselves including scarification, semination, fertilization and watering etc* In free time everyday, pieces of plots become the children's favorites. 从松土、播种,到施肥、浇水,所有的工作都是由孩子们自己亲手完成。每天只要一有空闲,这一块块菜地就成了小家伙们最爱去的地方。
This musculi abdominis's name I did not know that its function with bears the semination concern. 这条腹肌的名称我不知道,它的功能与忍住射精有关。
In the reproductive process, the Alpha 6 and beta 1 integrin on the surface of egg cells participate in semination; 在生殖过程中,卵细胞表面的整合素α6β1参与受精作用;
117 days after semination or so, P. secundiflora enter the rosette period. 播种后117天左右进入莲座叶期。