We could preserve this information by using microtones, rather than only the semitones used in Western music. 我们可以通过使用微音程(microtone)而不是只使用西方音乐中的半音(semitone)来保留这些信息。
This article, by analyzing the characteristics and the technique, reveals the semitones, sonority, texture and micropolyphony in the work. 本文主要探讨该作品中体现出来的半音化、音响效果机械化和模糊化、网状织体及微复调写作技术等几个特点。
Based on or using the five tones and two semitones of the major or minor scales of Western music. 西方音乐中大音节、小音节是基于或使用五个音阶或两个半音。
The use of tritones and semitones is paramount throughout this work to give it its distinctly poignant flavour. 歌曲中采用了大量的三全音和半音,为作品营造了一抹特有的沉重愁惨意味。
A 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave. 一种包括所有八度音阶半程音的12乐音音阶。
( music) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones. (音乐)基于有12个半音组成的音阶。
The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies& fourth chord and augmented triad, polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint, melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series, with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed. 作品中大量使用四度叠置和声和增三和弦的反传统和声语汇,采用线性对位的复调技法,旋律织体半音化、全音化,速度力度对比反差极端鲜明。