As a network application, sendmail listens on network ports. 作为一个网络应用程序,sendmail对网络端口进行监听。
The mail exchanger records are used by mail transport agents like sendmail and postfix when looking up where to send e-mail. 邮件交换器记录由诸如sendmail和postfix等邮件传输代理在查找电子邮件发送目的地时使用。
The problem was that an e-mail message with a carefully-crafted "from,"" to," or" cc "field could give the sender complete ( root) control over any machine running Sendmail as it's commonly configured. 问题在于,按通常的配置,精心设置了“from”、“to”或者“cc”域的电子邮件消息可以让发送者完全(root)控制任何一台运行着Sendmail的机器。
The sendMail method constructs the e-mail and uses the JavaMail API to send the notification to recipients. 函数sendMail负责创建电子邮件并使用JavaMailAPI将通知发送给接收者。
Thus, any flaw in Sendmail can give an attacker immediate control over the entire system. 这样,Sendmail中的任何缺陷都可以让攻击者直接控制整个系统。
The Python script treats sendmail this way by opening it as if it were a text file, writing the appropriate information to it, and then "closing" it. Python脚本就像打开文本文件一样打开sendmail,向其中写入适当的信息,然后“关闭”它。
Use the sendmail function to include the primary business logic and the code for creating and displaying Dojo widgets. 使用sendmail函数包含用来创建和显示Dojo组件的主业务逻辑和代码。
Some common candidates that are used under wrappers for access control are telnet, ssh, sendmail, ftp packages, pop3, and stunnel. 可以在wrappers下进行访问控制的通常有telnet、ssh、sendmail、ftp包、pop3和stunnel。
Sendmail developers presumed that since they didn't allow minus signs, there was no need to check. Sendamil的开发者想当然地认为既然他们不允许使用减号,就不必再去检查输入是不是负数了。
This article provides some tips and tricks for using Sendmail on AIX. 本文提供使用AIX上的Sendmail的一些技巧。
But a significant contributing factor is that Sendmail is often installed as a monolithic "setuid root" program, with complete control over the system it runs on. 不过,一个重要的作用因素是,Sendmail经常被安装为一个单一的“setuidroot”程序,对运行它的系统有完全的控制权限。
In the macros you simply specify certain parameters, and the M4 processor applies a boilerplate that is specific to both your local installation and sendmail in general. 在这些宏中,您可以简单地指定某些特定的参数,M4处理器可以对一个样板文件进行操作,这个文件是特定于本地安装和sendmail的通用设置的。
More specifically, its static sendMail method is responsible for the effort. 更具体地说,这个任务由它的静态sendMail方法负责完成的。
Sendmail has been included with the AIX operating system for many years now. AIX操作系统上引入Sendmail已经许多年了。
Sendmail's configuration file has an entire book devoted to it. sendmail的配置文件就有一整本书专门来讲解。
Had sendmail been started from/ export/ home/ sean and not changed its directory to/ var/ spool/ mqueue, it would have had to be stopped before unmounting/ export/ home. 如果sendmail从/export/home/sean目录启动,并且没有将其目录更改为/var/spool/mqueue,那么在卸载/export/home前必须中止它。
If you add an alias to the/ etc/ mail/ aliases file, remember to rebuild the aliases database and run the sendmail command with the-bi flag or the/ usr/ sbin/ newaliases command. 如果在/etc/mail/aliases文件中添加了别名,一定要重新构建别名数据库,并运行带-bi选项的sendmail命令或/usr/sbin/newaliases命令。
The – q flag specifies the interval at which the Sendmail daemon processes saved messages in the mail queue. –q标志指定Sendmail守护进程在邮件队列中保存邮件的时间间隔。
Notice the control element in the sendmail blocks. 请注意sendmail块中的control元素。
Reviewing the mail activity in the Sendmail log (/ var/ log/ maillog) also confirmed that this was indeed the case. 查看Sendmail日志(/var/log/maillog)中记录的邮件活动也可以确认这一点。
Finally the sendMail method will send an email with the failing report, using the JavaMail API. 最后,sendMail方法将使用JavaMailAPI发送一封含有失败报告的电子邮件。
If you find that the mail functionality is not working on the management server, be sure to check to see if the sendmail daemon is running; if not, manually start sendmail. 如果您发现管理服务器上的邮件功能不工作,一定要检查sendmail守护进程是否在运行;如果没有运行,手动启动它。
The sendmail configuration is neither fun nor pretty. sendmail的配置既不有趣,也不简单。
The – bv flag will start Sendmail with a request to verify the user IDs provided in the Address parameter field of the command. –bv标志启动Sendmail并请求确认命令的Address参数字段中指定的用户ID。
This forces the Sendmail daemon to re-read the aliases file. 这迫使Sendmail守护进程重新读取别名文件。
The details of the M4 macro processor are too complex to discuss here, but links to more information about the M4 macro processor and its use in sendmail and autoconf are in the Resources section. 这些M4宏处理器的详细信息太过复杂,我们就不再在本文中进行介绍了,不过在参考资料一节中给出了有关M4宏处理器及其在sendmail和autoconf中的用法的链接。
All electronic mail is transferred using a mail transfer agent ( MTA), and Sendmail is the most popular MTA, so this warning affected many organizations worldwide. 所有的电子邮件都通过邮件传输代理(mailtransferagent,MTA)来传输,Sendmail则是最流行的MTA,所以这个警告影响了世界范围内的很多组织。
A mailer table in Sendmail can be used to override routing for particular domains, which are not local host names. Sendmail中的mailertable用于覆盖某些域的路由,这些域不是本地主机名。
The sendmail command will respond with a message advising which IDs can be resolved to a mailer command. 这个sendmail命令的响应是一个消息,它指出哪些ID可以解析为mailer命令。
However, the makers of sendmail wrote a set of M4 macros to make the process easier. 然而,sendmail的创造者编写了一些M4宏来简化这个处理过程。