ADJ-GRADED (新闻报道、电视广播节目)耸人听闻的,追求轰动效应的 Sensationalist news reports and television and radio programmes present the facts in a way that makes them seem worse or more shocking than they really are.
...sensationalist headlines... 耸人听闻的新闻标题
The pictures were sensationalist and could seriously disturb younger readers. 这些图片大肆渲染,会让一些比较年轻的读者们惶恐不安。
The pictures were sensationalist and could seriously disturb younger readers. 这些图片大肆渲染,会让一些比较年轻的读者们惶恐不安。
It was a typically sensationalist and schizophrenic Madonna production, mixing sex, ultra violence, religion, kitsch and politics to bizarre but entertaining effect. 这是一场典型的哗众取宠且精神分裂的麦当娜作品,混杂有性、极端暴力、宗教、低俗趣味和政治色彩,营造出怪诞却具有娱乐性的效果。
All his instincts are downmarket; he is not only a tabloid sensationalist; he is a malicious myth-maker, an assassin of the dignity of others and of respected institutions, all in the guise of anti-elitism. 默多克天生喜欢低端市场的套路:不光热衷于小报式耸人听闻的报道手法,还会不怀好意地编造故事,侮辱别人尊严、抹黑有声望的机构,并把这一切伪装成反精英主义。
The chronicle was criticized for being sensationalist. 《记事报》因喜欢作煽情报道而受到批评。
Siren voices will claim that the sensationalist style espoused by the News of the World and its rivals leads inevitably to the sort of irresponsibility that gave rise to hacking. 有些人可能会警告称:《世界新闻报》及其竞争对手奉行的耸人听闻的风格,必然会造成不负责任的态度,导致窃听这类行为。
This is just another "sensationalist" post. 这仅仅是一个“哗众取宠”的帖子。
Be careful not to report predictions as certainties& that is sensationalist and does not give the audience any idea of how such models work. 注意不要把预测报道成为确定的东西&这是制造轰动效应,而没有给读者任何关于这类模型如何工作的概念。
Yet it was just one of many similar episodes that have taken place as the kind of sensationalist live television news coverage so common elsewhere in the world sweeps through Indian television. 但这只是众多发生的类似片段之一,因为此类耸人听闻的电视新闻直播在世界其他地方很普遍,印度电视上也已无处不有。