But we believe that some qualities of self-awareness will emerge once the Net is sensually enhanced and emulated the complexity of the human brain. 但我们相信,一旦这张网络的感觉能力得到提高并能模拟人脑的复杂功能,某些自我意识的性能就会随之而来。
Hong Kong is nearly a thousand miles south of Shanghai, but travelling from one to the other in the spring of 2007 makes me feel it is the other way round – not geographically, of course, but sensually. 香港在南,上海在北,两地相距将近一千英里。但在2007年春,我的两地之行却让我有了完全相反的感觉&当然不是在地理位置上,而是在感觉上。
The waves gather in soft foam around the figure, splashing sensually over his features. 浪花聚成轻柔的泡沫,绕在画中人身边,诱惑地拍打他的脸。
The belly dancer mover sensually among the tables. 跳肚皮舞的姑娘风骚地在桌子之间移动著。
It conveys to the viewer a correspondence between the real world and transmission that can be sensually experienced. 它把真实世界的传输转化为一个观众感受得到的体验。
As the dancers swing their arms sensually, their legs kick and tap furiously. 表演者性感地摆动双臂,同时奋力地踢踏着双脚。