Two sentinels had fallen back, and had come in almost at the same moment as Gavroche. 两个哨兵也折回来了,几乎是和伽弗洛什同时到达的。
The insurgents had posted sentinels, and some of them, who were medical students, set about caring for the wounded. 起义的人们又派出了岗哨,几个医科大学生着手包扎伤员。
They disarmed isolated sentinels and National Guardsmen in the streets on their way to the Townhall. 街上单独的哨兵和回到区公所去的国民自卫军被人解除了武装。
Another, with a naked sword, a blue police cap on his head, placed sentinels. 另外一个,握着一把指挥刀,头上戴一顶警察的蓝帽子,在派人放哨。
A threat is posed by military scientist Bolivar Trask ( Peter Dinklage) whose company has created a range of robots called Sentinels whose purpose is to hunt and destroy mutants. 这一次变种人的威胁来自于军事科学家玻利瓦尔特拉斯克(彼特丁拉基饰演),他的公司创造出了一种新型特种战斗机器人:哨兵。创造这些机器人的目的是去猎杀彻底毁灭变种人。
Using animals as sentinels for human health is not a new concept. 把动物作为人类健康的哨兵使用不是什么新概念。
Unplug Hanage equal to dismiss the door guarded by sentinels respiratory tract, dust, bacteria can enter the body unhindered, causing human illness. 拔掉鼻毛等于撤掉把守呼吸道大门的哨兵,灰尘、细菌可畅通无阻地进入人体,引起人体生病。
He seemed to be drifting in thought, and many of the Sentinels looked at one another, especially the Humans. 他看起来有点心不在焉,许多哨兵成员面面相觑,尤其是人类。
By the time Tyrande established the night elves'new army, the Sentinels, Jarod had deliberately faded into the background. 此时,泰兰德建立了一支新的的暗夜精灵军队,名为哨兵,迦洛德故意躲在幕后。
They made indifferent sentinels, for in many places their ranks had been broken by the rhubarb plant, and they lay with crumpled heads and listless stems, making a pathway for the rabbits. 它们是些很差劲的步哨,因为在好些地方,它们的队伍被大黄草突破,就耷拉脑袋,没精打采地伸着躯于,成了野兔出没的处所。
He heard the measured tread of sentinels, and as they passed before the light he saw the barrels of their muskets shine. 他听到哨兵们均匀的脚步,当他在灯光前走过时,他看见了他们的毛瑟枪在闪光。
She organized a new all-female army, the Sentinels, and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune. 她组织了一个新的名为哨兵的全女性部队,并且颁布命令这支部队直接隶属于艾露恩姐妹会。
Beyond one of the sentinels nobody was in sight; the railroad ran straight away into a forest for a hundred yards, then, curving, was lost to view. 桥的一端,桥头哨兵的身外,看不到任何人的踪影;铁道线平直地向外延伸,进入森林百米的深处,然后转个弯,消逝于视线之中。
Sentinels are important as a first alert, the experts agree, but they are no substitute for detailed investigation. 专家们认同哨兵作为预先警报是很重要的,但是它们决不能代替详细的调查研究。
Still others would stand as sentinels in high earth orbit to spot dangerous intruders from our star. 还有一些将作为地球高轨上的哨兵来确定危险入侵者距离我们这个星球的准确位置。
Before T cells are sent into battle, these sentinels of the immune system must complete a rigorous educational process. 在T细胞被送到战斗之前,这些免疫系统尖兵必须完成严格的学习过程。
Sentinels were placed at all the approaches to the farm. 在去农场的所有路上都布置了哨兵。
Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. 告诉我为什么我能仅凭意念打败四个卫兵。
And most important, in our skin, where they lie in wait as stealthy sentinels should microbes breach the leathery fortress of our epidermis. 最重要的,它们就在皮肤里,静静守候一如秘密岗哨,等待微生物穿越表皮这层堡垒。
The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC. 最后数名首批下线的机械守卫被派至普里蒙星,担任保卫PEC的工作。
On the behalf of the Human Sentinels, I say that we should take our shot. 作为哨兵中人类的代表,我说,现在该轮到我们进攻了。
You are in Brown Road. Sentinels were placed at all the approaches to the farm. 你现在的位置是在布朗路。在去农场的所有路上都布置了哨兵。
Invid mecha began boiling forth from them: bizarre, armored crab-shapes of assorted types riding powerful thrusters, diving for the Sentinels. 因维机甲雨点般的落下,光怪陆离的蟹形装甲战机乘着强有力的推进器,向哨兵们俯冲袭来。
Although Malfurion tried to stop her, she led her Sentinels into the prison. 尽管玛法里奥试图阻止她,她带领着她的进入监狱。
Sentinels under Neon Lights: Urban Sensibility Covered by Ideology of War 《霓虹灯下的哨兵》:战争意识形态笼罩下的城市感性