The results showed that the brain sands in human pineal body grouped in the pineal lobules and interlobular septula. 研究表明,人松果体脑砂成群分布,位于松果体小叶和纤维隔内。
The septula possessed 20 80 μ m round or oval holes through which the lobules were continuous with each other. 隔上有直径20~80μm圆形或卵圆形的孔,以此使小叶互相连通。
The collagen fibers originating from the capsule formed interlobular septula and separated pineal parenchyma into 200~ 400 μ m lobules. 起自囊的胶原纤维构成小叶间隔,分隔松果体实质为直径200~400μm的小叶。