Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity. 我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。
You take a lot of your meetings from home and people at Zappos see you less and have fewer opportunities for serendipity for you. 你的很多会议都是在家中开的,Zappos的员工看到你的次数变少了,灵光一现的机会也少了。
Lucky people do not just tunnel in one place with blinders on; they open their eyes to everything and throw themselves into serendipity's path whenever possible. 幸运的人不会戴上眼罩,把自己困在一块地方,而是睁大双眼,把自己放在任何有可能出现好运的地方。
But even he admits that serendipity plays a big part in a successful hunt. 但即使是舒宾本人也坦承:偶然因素在成功的搜寻中起到了极大的作用。
This is the kind of serendipity you want! 这正是那种你心心期盼的命中注定!
When you look back on your life it will seem linear and logical, but while you are going through it it's all haphazard and serendipity. And that's the fun of it. 当你回首人生路时,你可能只看到一条逻辑清晰的轨迹,但当你经历其中时,你会发现生活充满了偶然性和意外发现,而这就是人生的乐趣。
When I talk to conference devotees, they often say that one of the attractions of such events is precisely this note of serendipity. 当我与热衷参会的人聊天时,他们总是说到这些活动吸引人的一个地方正是这种意外之得。
With the bulk of the logistics taken care of, we had space for serendipity and discovery. 由于大部分的后勤都已被安排好,我们就有了意外发现珍奇事物和探索的空闲。
It really does take a certain amount of luck and serendipity for all the factors to come together. 所有这些因素组合在一起确实需要一定的运气和缘分。
Novartis ( NVS) has a new strategy to try to generate that kind of serendipity. 诺华公司新策略的目的就是找到这种意外的惊喜。
Sometimes, serendipity is the best guide. 有时候,意外发现就是最好的导游。
Certainly that is sometimes true: Serendipity or ( depending on your belief system) random chance can be the reason you narrowly miss an airport closure or get the last cab in a rainstorm. 当然,某种程度上的确是。幸运或者是(取决于你的信仰)偶然也许可以解释你为什么差一点就碰上机场关闭或者在暴雨中打到了最后一辆出租车。
Serendipity, on the other hand, is, as Zuckerman says, "necessarily inefficient". 另一方面,如祖克曼所说,偶遇“必然是低效率”的。
Chiefly, it creates much more room for coincidence and serendipity. 首先,凌乱无章为偶发事件及易遇奇缘创造了更多机会。
Work hard, work smart and with a bit of luck, serendipity will play its part. 勤奋、灵感再加上一点儿好运,定会有意外的收获。
Serendipity now has Spell Alert and Floating Combat Text feedback support. 现在有了法术预警和滚动战斗记录。
When destiny has a sense of humor, it is called serendipity. 当命运有了幽默感,它就变成了缘分天注定。
Of course online research and analysis are useful tools, but they never deliver the intimacy and serendipity that you can achieve by visiting places in person. 当然,在线调研和分析也是有用的手段,但它们不可能带来亲自造访一些地方所能获得的那种亲密感和美妙发现。
Love is the most favourate word in britain. britain's three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a "wall of words". 英国一项建造“词语墙”的慈善活动发现,爱、意外的发现和家庭三个词在英国最受青睐。
Serendipity this talent now reduces the cast time of Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing when Binding Heal or Flash Heal are cast. 好运-使用联结治疗和快速这里时这个天赋可以降低强效治疗和治疗导言的施法时间。
I trust in the serendipity of each occasion leading to a life enhancing experience. 在各种机会中发现意外惊喜的能力会给生活带来非凡体验。
The word that best describes this subtle blend of chance and agency is "serendipity". 英语中这种描述偶然机遇和人为因素的微妙混合被叫做西林迪普(serendipity)。
Coffee is a kind of serendipity, so is the book. Music, movie 咖啡是种机缘,书是种机缘。音乐,电影
When the Internet was new, its early enthusiasts hoped it would emulate the greatest serendipity machine ever invented: the city. 早在互联网还是一个新鲜玩意儿的时候,其早期拥护者希望它能仿效世界上曾发明过的最好的制造偶遇的机器:城市。
It might mean putting yourself in the way of serendipity, but that is not exactly luck. 它可能意味着机缘凑巧,但这并不是真正意义上的运气。
This is Pavlov's famous dog and it's an example of scientific serendipity. 这便是巴甫洛夫的那条著名的狗,这是一个科学研究中的意外。
So often it is pure serendipity there is no grand plan, no career map. 很多时候完全属于机缘巧合,没有任何远大的计划,没有任何职业规划。
With the timely integration of preparation and creation, technique and artistry, physics and feeling, forethought and objectives, serendipity can truly enter the spirit of artist. 只有当准备与创造、技巧性与艺术性、物质与心灵、计划与目标都融合无间时,才能进入正确的艺术家精神状态。
Zuckerman told me about a speech on serendipity he recently gave to an audience of investment managers. 祖克曼告诉我他最近给一群投资经理人进行了一次关于偶遇的讲话。
It's just a huge amount of serendipity involved which project will succeed technically, which one will have the right market outcome. 这里面涉及许多的意外发现珍宝的能力,研究哪个项目在技术层面上没有问题,哪个项目会得到市场回报。