Escaping European serfdom, Americans mixed their latent distrust of centralized power with a sense of individual and economic freedom, which modern conservatism, especially, equates with tax relief. 摆脱了欧洲的殖民统治,美国人信奉个人主义和经济自由观念,并对中央集权深感怀疑。特别地,现代的保守主义更等同于税收的减免。
The surviving peasants had better bargaining power and were in a position to change their serfdom into paid labour. 存活的农民处于有利的计价还价地位,从农奴变为雇佣劳动力。
Some landlords, unable or unwilling to pay higher wages, tried to force peasants back into serfdom. 于是一些支付不起或不愿意支付较高工资的地主想方设法迫使农民重返农奴地位。
But The Road to Serfdom isn't an economics book. It's a book about society, the recent past and human nature that bears the same relation to sociology, history and psychology as Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged bears to literature. 但《农奴制之路》并非一部经济学著作,而是关于社会,过去以及人类本性,其对社会、历史和人们心理的分析相当于施拉格对文学做出的贡献。
Her great political inspiration, apart from her father, was the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek's 1944 book, The Road to Serfdom, written in Cambridge during the war. 她伟大的政治灵感除了部分源于她的父亲之外,还来自一部奥地利经济学者海雅克的一本书&农奴制之路,该书是海雅克1944年战争期间在剑桥所著。
Author of The Road to Serfdom Friedrich Hayek, at the University of Chicago in 1960. 《农奴制之路》作者海雅克,1960年在芝加哥大学。
People were locked into a serfdom of ideas and politics that shackled their national life. 那里的人们在思想和政治领域受到奴役,国民生活被戴上了锁链。
Having smashed the yoke of the feudal serfdom, the broad masses of serfs and slaves obtained political and national equal rights. 广大农奴和奴隶砸碎了封建农奴制的枷锁后,获得了政治平等权利和民族平等权利。
The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois. 农奴曾经在农奴制度下挣扎到公社社员的地位,小资产者曾经在封建专制制度的束缚下挣扎到资产者的地位。
Renewal and strengthen of German serfdom 德国农奴制的恢复和加强
In modem times, the reason why the agriculture of Russia lags behind the times, besides the social cause of the un-sufficient reform of serfdom system, lies in the backward technology. 摘要近代俄国农业落后,除了农奴制改革不彻底的社会原因之外,还有技术原因。
He is so conditioned that he cannot break away from his serfdom. 他如此受限,因此无法从自我的观念中摆脱。
It is succeeded by serfdom in the middle ages, and wage-labor in the more recent period. 继之而来的是中世纪的农奴制和近代的雇佣劳动制。
NARRATOR: Churchill, who was influenced by Hayek's book The Road to Serfdom, opposed planning and controls. 旁白:受哈耶克《通往奴役之路》一书影响的邱吉尔反对计划和控制。
And certain learned philosophers, both Chinese and foreign, have taken great pains to point out that feudalism does not exist in hina because there is no serfdom; that is, men can sell their labor freely. 某些中国和外国的学者,煞费苦心地想说明中国不存在封建主义,因为没有农奴制,也就是说,人们可以自由出卖劳动力。
The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom. 自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。
The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society, and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy. 中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。
It concentrates on the Golovin family from Obukhovo, a village renamed when the new serfdom of collectivisation arrived, the church bells taken away to be melted down as peasants ululate. 奥布科沃村是新的集体化农奴制实行后改名的一个村庄,应村民们的要求,村教堂的钟也被送进了炼钢炉。
They blind themselves to the misery of past mass monasticism and feudal serfdom. 他们对过去全民僧侣制和封建农奴制带来的悲惨境遇视而不见;
Labor Employment Situations in the Agriculture of Jiangsu Province in Ming and Qing Dynasties it is succeeded by serfdom in the middle ages, and wage-labor in the more recent period. 明清时期江苏农业中的雇佣劳动状况继之而来的是中世纪的农奴制和近代的雇佣劳动制。
The second reasons is the Second Edition of the Serfdom which made the economy of Poland backward. 农奴制第二版直接导致了近代波兰的经济落后;
It abolished tax exemptions, serfdom, aristocratic titles and privileges and sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Paris. 取消免税制、农奴制、贵族头衔和特权,试图在巴黎建立君主立宪制。
Marx and Engels concerned the state of productivity after reform of Russian serfdom in1861, and believed that Czar Government helped the development of Russian capitalism. 马克思、恩格斯关注俄国1861年农奴制改革以后社会生产力发展的状况,认为沙皇政府支持了俄国资本主义工业的发展。
The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom. 废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。
The black death was one of the important factors which had caused the serfdom and the manor system declining in medieval england. 黑死病是英国农奴制和庄园劳役制瓦解的重要因素之一。
The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments. 农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。
After the serfdom reform in 1861, Russia started the process of industrialization. 1861年农奴制改革后,俄国开始了经济现代化的发展进程。
The development of commodity economy caused the serfdom to be at the general crisis situation. 商品货币经济的发展使农奴制处于总危机状态。
Feudal serfdom and autocratic monarchy were the main contents of feudalism. 封建农奴制和君主专制是当时封建制度的主要内容。