The Future object is not serializable, which means that in a highly available environment the handle returned by the callback handler cannot be replicated. Future对象不可序列化,这意味着,在高度可用的环境中,回调处理程序返回的句柄不能被复制。
This is the result of the JAX-RPC behavior: JAX-RPC will make the domain name part of the URI to generate the package name for the serializable product class. 这是JAX-RPC行为的结果:JAX-RPC将使用URI的域名部分来生成可序列化产品类的包名。
Since the context object needs to be passed across components, the object should be serializable. 因为需要跨组件传递上下文对象,所以这个对象应该是可序列化的。
SVG instances and Web documents are both scripted in terms of their DOMs, and both DOMs are serializable as XML. SVG实例和Web文档都是以DOM的形式编写脚本的,并且两种DOM都可序列化为XML。
Serializing the session object: Since objects that have been included in a session will be synchronized across nodes of a cluster, they must be implemented with the serializable interface. 序列化会话对象:因为会话中包含的对象将在集群内的节点中进行同步,所以必须实现它们的serializable接口。
When you put a Java object into a session and want it shared across all nodes, declare this Java object as a serializable interface. 当您将Java对象放入到会话中并希望在所有的节点之间共享该对象时,需要将这个Java对象声明为一个serializable接口。
You first check whether the object implemented the serializable interface. 首先应该检查该对象是否实现了serializable接口。
The JSR286 specification permits portlets to send and receive complex Java objects as event payloads, as long as these payloads are Java and JAXB XML serializable. JSR286规范允许Portlet作为事件有效负载发送和接收复杂Java对象,前提是这些有效负载是Java和JAXBXML可序列化的。
Pass-by-copy semantics for mutable serializable objects when running in a single address space. 在单一地址空间中运行时,易变的可序列化对象的Pass-by-copy语义。
Do this by creating a POJO that implements the "serializable" interface. 操作方法是创建一个实现这个“可序列化”接口的POJO。
For example, if you're writing a Java Bean and want to implement Serializable, you can use this option to specify that. 比如,如果你正在写一个JavaBean并希望实现串行接口,你可以使用这个选项说明你的需求。
Moreover, as it is composed of Data Objects, a Data Graph is serializable. 此外,由于数据图是由数据对象组成的,因此它是可序列化的。
Custom token object, for the lack of a better name, is really just a regular serializable object. 自定义令牌对象(因为没有更合适的名称)实际上是一个常规的可序列化对象。
Furthermore, all the data fields in the class must themselves be serializable. 此外,该类中的所有数据字段本身必须是序列化的。
Fortunately, this includes almost all of the objects in the core Java libraries, as well as any objects from your program that you have declared as implementing Serializable. 幸运的是,这包括了几乎所有核心Java库中的对象以及您的程序中所有声明为实现Serializable的对象。
MBean methods may also use other serializable data types, but doing so can create interoperability issues because the class files must be made available to the JMX client as well. MBean方法也可以使用其他可以序列化的数据类型,但是这样做会造成互操作性问题,因为类文件也必须对JMX客户机可用。
The method parameters and return types must be serializable. 方法参数和返回类型必须是可序列化的。
But UIMA was using externalization for serializing rather than serializable interface which was making its objects bulky and lots of work was needed to serialize data. 但UIMA使用的是外部序列化,而不是一个序列化接口(那会让它的对象变得臃肿),这就需要在序列化数据方面做大量的工作。
Both the read committed and serializable isolation levels provide a high degree of consistency and concurrency. 已提交读取隔离和串行化隔离都能实现高度的数据一致性及并发访问能力。
Serializable transactions lock all rows they read or modify to ensure the transaction is completely isolated from other tasks. 可序列化事务将锁定其读取或修改的所有行,以确保事务完全与其他任务隔离。
Derivation being used has been marked as serializable. 派生已被标记为可序列化的。
Cannot serialize object of type '{ 0}'. The object does not have serializable members. 无法序列化类型{0}的对象。该对象没有可序列化的成员。
If you try to serialize your object with a normal event, serialization will fail because the storage backing the event isn't serializable. 如果你试图通过一个普通事件来序列化你的对象,序列化就会失败,这是因为后备该事件的存储是不可序列化的。
A DOM implementation may allow you to add them, but the result will not be serializable. dom的实现使您可以添加它们,但后果是无法序列化。
Only when it is executed inside a serializable transaction 仅在可串行事务内部执行该存储过程时
Incompatible change: Serialized object did not have the serializable superClass% 1 不兼容的更改:序列化的对象没有可序列化的超类%1
Directory services provide a way to store and retrieve information, such as serializable objects, in a distributed environment. 目录服务提供了在分布式环境中存储和检索信息的一种方法,比如序列化对象。
Always use transaction isolation level set to Serializable. 总是将事务隔离级别设置为序列的。
Value cannot be added to the property bag because it is not Cloneable and serializable. 值不能添加到属性包,因为它无法克隆,也无法序列化。
The type { 0} in Assembly { 1} is not marked as serializable. 程序集{1}中的类型{0}未标记为可序列化。