The serializer accepts SAX events and writes the corresponding XML document in a file. 序列化程序接受SAX事件,并将相应的XML文档写到一个文件中。
Next, you instantiate the POJO by invoking the read method from the Serializer object. 接下来,通过从Serializer对象调用read方法,从而实例化POJO。
It does not cost anything to use the Xalan serializer because that's the class Xalan uses internally to save HTML document. 使用Xalan序列化程序不需要任何成本,因为它是Xalan用于内部保存HTML文档的类。
Is received, while the Java package for the serializer class is supplier. a. 另外一个原因是如果序列化器类的包名是supplier.a,那么当接收到命名空间限定的产品对象({http://a.supplier/schema}Product)时,一些客户端查询反序列化器会失败。
In practice, as you have seen, the result tree is not materialized in memory, so the serializer is handed the nodes of the tree one at a time in document order. 实际上,如您所见,结果树没有在内存中具体化,所以串行化器将按文档顺序一次交出树的一个节点。
Each new data type introduces a serializer to convert from the XML value into a Java value and back again. 每一个新的数据类型导入一个序列化器,它把XML值转化成Java值然后再次转回来。
Lastly, you need to declare the type mappings to reference your custom ( de) serializer. 最后,您需要声明类型映射来引用您定制的(反)序列化器。
Two conditions need to be satisfied in order for serialization to happen: the serializer must be given a supported type and the object to be serialized must be non-null. 为使序列化能够发生,需要满足两个条件:必须为序列化器授予受支持的类型,并且待序列化的对象必须是非空的。
This enables the default serializer to transform this XML message into a business object we can manipulate in the mediation. 这使得缺省序列化器能够将此XML消息转换为可以在中介中操作的业务对象。
If you're concerned about performance, you might prefer to use a serializer. 如果您关心性能,那么会首选使用序列化程序。
If none of the ( de) serializers bundled with the Apache SOAP toolkit will work with your Java class, you may need to write a custom ( de) serializer yourself. 如果与ApacheSOAP工具箱捆绑在一起的(反)序列化器都不能使用您的Java类,您可能需要自己编写一个定制的(反)序列化器。
As you can see, several file types have been generated including deserializer, serializer, and helper files. 如您所见,生成了包括反序列化(deserializer)、序列化(serializer)和helper文件在内的许多文件类型。
Note that this class is part of the Simple framework and implements the Serializer interface. 注意,该类是Simple框架的一部分,它实现Serializer接口。
Some of the annotations and options ( such as those dealing with object factories and with serializer/ deserializer methods) are only used when starting from code. 某些注释和选项(比如那些处理对象工厂和串行器/并行器方法的注释和选项)只能用于从代码中生成的情况。
The serializer is not technically part of the XSLT processor, but it is essential for practical use. 从技术上看,串行化器并不是XSLT处理器的一部分,但它在实际使用中是必不可少的。
The root ( de) serializer in turn will query the type mapping registry for the next normal ( de) serializer to be called. 接下来根(反)序列化器将在类型映射注册表中查询下一个要调用的常规(反)序列化器。
Now when you ask for the price child element, no such element can be found since all children of lineItem have now vanished into the serializer. 现在当请求price子元素的时候,找不到这样的元素,因为lineItem的所有子元素都在序列化器中消失了。
For each parameter, the type mapping registry is queried and the marshall() method subsequently called on the returned serializer. 对于每个参数,都查询类型映射注册表并在返回的序列化器上随后调用marshall()方法。
Name of the Native language class to act as the serializer 充当序列化器的“本机”语言类名称
Saxon also includes a serializer that converts the result tree to XML, HTML, or plain text. Saxon还包括了一个串行化器,用于将结果树转换成XML、HTML或纯文本。
Then, using this WSDL, the wizard generates the Web services artifacts ( Java helper classes, serializer, deserializer, deployment descriptors, and so on) for this service by invoking WSDL2Java. 然后,使用该WSDL,该向导通过调用WSDL2Java为此服务生成Web服务工件(Java助手类、序列化程序、反序列化程序、部署描述符,等等)。
How can you find the right serializer to de-serialize the XML payload back to the concrete objects? 您如何找出正确的序列化器来将XML载荷反序列化到具体的对象中?
A serializer is a ContentHandler that writes its input in an XML document. 序列化程序是ContentHandler,它将其输入写入XML文档。
External output is written to a file using a serializer. 使用串行化器将外部输出写到文件中。
This paper main describes the technology of LVDS for high-speed data transmission and a useful interface circuit in LVDS application, serializer. 这篇论文主要分析了用于高速数据传输的LVDS技术以及该技术常用的一个接口电路-串行器。
If the serializer returned a statement or a collection of statements, those statements will not be discarded. 如果序列化程序返回了一个语句或一个语句集合,则不会放弃那些语句。
The video data presented to the serializer on the parallel LVCMOS bus is serialized into a high-speed differential signal. 视频介绍上的并行LVCMOS总线串行数据序列化为一个高速差分信号。
The serializer and deserializer use the power-down state, a low-power sleep mode, to reduce power consumption. 串行解串器的使用电源关闭状态,低功耗的睡眠模式,以减少电力消耗。
You can request the type of serializer you would like. 您可以请求您需要的序列化程序类型。
It is now possible to choose another serializer or implement your own, and enhance assemblies that be executed with partial trust. 现在可以选择其他序列化程序或者自己的实现,又或者增强作为不完全可信所执行的程序集。