Any of several large marine game fishes of the genus seriola, having a yellow or yellowish tail, such as s.dorsalis, of coastal waters of Southern California and mexico. 尾鲽带黄色的鱼一种?属的大型的供捕钓的食用鱼,有黄色或微黄的尾巴,如南加利福尼亚和墨西哥沿海水域中的长背?
The company has already raised captive-bred yellowtail kingfish ( Seriola lalandi) and mulloway ( Argyrosomus hololepidotus), which are now in significant commercial production. 该公司已经成功饲养出圈养繁殖的黄尾鰤及腋斑白姑鱼,这两种鱼目前已成为重要商品。
The Diseases and Their Prevention and Treatment in Seriola Spp. Culture ■鱼养殖中的疾病及其防治