Comparative Study of Electrocardiogram QTc between Seroquel and Ziprasidone in the Treatment of Schizophrenia 奎硫平及齐拉西酮对心电图QTc影响的研究奎硫平与利培酮治疗精神分裂症患者对照研究
Guidance is also provided on safe administration of SEROQUEL XR, including consideration of the safety profile with respect to the individual patient's diagnosis and the dose being administered. 对安全服用富马酸喹硫平也提供了安全指导,包括对个体病人的诊断和服用的剂量的安全性考虑。
Seroquel use was associated with a nearly threefold adjusted increase in risk among the study population. 使用思瑞康与研究人群中校正风险增加接近3倍有关。
Seroquel showed high incidence rate of drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain ( 26.1%, 23.9%, 17.3%), chlorpromazine showed high incidence rate of extrapyramidal side effect, pyknocardia and erect collapse ( 60.9%, 39.1%, 32.6%). 思瑞康组嗜睡、头昏和体质量增加发生率更高(26.1%、23.9%、17.3%),氯丙嗪组锥体外副作用、心动过速和直立性虚脱发生率更高(60.9%、39.1%、32.6%)。