Quantities will vary according to how many servings of soup you want to prepare 量的多少根据你想准备的汤的份数而定。
Servings of breaded chicken sandwiches have grown an average of 3 percent over the last four years. 过去4年里,鸡肉三明治销量的年均增速达到了3%。
Pregnant women are advised to eat two servings of fish each week. 建议孕妇每周吃两种鱼肉。
I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday. 我每天喝至少五罐12盎司的可乐,每天都是这样。
Servings in restaurants are too large for many people. 餐厅里端出来的食物对许多人来说量是太多了。
The right number of servings of fruits and vegetables for you all depends on your daily caloric intake needs. 你所需的水果和蔬菜的正确分量依靠每天所需的热量摄入而定。
As part of a balanced diet, eat at least two servings of fruits every day. 要饮食均衡,每天少不了两份水果。
First, you can find out how many servings are in the container. 第一,你肯定能找到有多少份食物在装食物的容器里。
Studies at Ohio State measured blood levels of subjects who ate servings of salsa and salads. 在俄亥俄州,对吃了辣茄酱和沙拉的人的血液中的浓度进行了测量研究。
Include all servings you eat of each food. 要包含你所吃每一种食物的份数。
More than half had two or more servings of fruit per day but only one in10 ate the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables, regardless of ethnicity or social level. 无论种族和社会地位,一半多的儿童每天进食两或更多份的水果,但是仅有十分之一进食推荐的五份水果和蔬菜。
For brain health, eat two servings of fish weekly. 每周吃两份鱼有益脑健康。
In some areas of the Mediterranean, residents eat up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 在地中海的一些地区,当地居民一天要吃掉九份水果和蔬菜。
Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. 每天要吃五份或更多的水果和蔬菜。
Eat at least eight daily servings of legumes, root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots& and minimally processed grains and cereals. 每天至少要吃八份豆科类和块根类食物,如土豆、胡萝卜和粗加工的谷类食品。
Eating at least three servings a week of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna is a good start. 从每周至少吃三次鱼开始吧。这些鱼包括鲑鱼,沙丁鱼,鲭和鲔鱼等。
So eat at least two servings of fruits daily. 水果每日最少要两份,这样是两份!
Doctors recommend us to eat five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily to keep healthy. 为了保持健康,医生建议(我们)每天吃五至八份的水果和蔬菜。
They are also packaged in small, individual servings. 他们还装在小、个人即可。
But those who drank the most-more than six servings a week-had the highest scores. 但是,那些喝得最多的学生&每星期多于六瓶,他们在问卷中得分最高。
A plate or bowl for individual servings of salad. 单独提供色拉的盘子或碗。
Try to keep two servings per day. A serving should contain eight ounces of milk or yogurt. 尽量每天都吃两份乳制品,每份都应该包含8盎司的奶或者酸奶。
Eat a healthy diet of between three and five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and reduce sugar and saturated fats intake; 保证健康饮食,每天吃三到五次水果和蔬菜,并减少糖和饱和脂肪的摄入量;
Switch to diet cola and cut the alcohol servings in half. 切换到减肥可乐,并将酒精份量减少一半。
Currently, five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended as part of the DASH diet. 目前,DASH饮食推荐的是五到九份水果蔬菜的食用量。