Trustee income will be attributed only to settlors of a trust. 受托人收入将只归咎于信托财产授予者。
The settlors are individuals who establish or contribute funds to the trust. 财产授予者是个人的,为建立信任提供资金。
In the case of multiple settlors, the trustee income is distributed evenly to all settlors. 在复合的财产授予者案例中呢,受托人收入平均分配给所有财产授予者。
Trust is based on the trustful commission, which refers to the behavior that the settlors transfer the property to the trustees who will manage and deal with the property for the benefit of beneficiaries. 信托是基于信任的托付,它是指委托人将财产转移给受托人,指示受托人为受益人的利益管理和处分财产的行为。