The ratio of slow filling phase to rapid filling phase was significantly increased ( P < 0.01) and atrial systolic wave significantly enhanced ( P < 0.001) during diastole. 心舒期缓慢充盈波与快速充盈波时程比(SFW/RFW)显著增加(P<0.01),房缩波波辐增大、时程延长(P<0.001);
TN removal rate reduce of water onion in SFW the value difference is the largest. 潜流式水葱总氮的去除率与表流式的降低值的差值最大。
With hydraulic load increasing, the maximum TP removal rate decline in SFW constructed wetlands is water onion, the maximum TN removal rate decline is purple leaf canna. 水力负荷增加,表流式人工湿地对总磷的去除率降低值最大的是水葱,紫叶美人蕉对总氮去除率降低值最大。