He treated her shabbily by first promising to marry her and then Jilting her. 他对不起她,本来答应跟她结婚,后来却把她甩了。
The beggar is shabbily dressed. 这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。
The fact that you've had an amicable working relationship makes it even more inexcusable for them to infringe your rights or treat you shabbily. 你的工作关系曾经处得很友好,他们却侵犯你的权利,弃你如敝履,这种做法更加不可宽恕。
Snow was treated very shabbily by the U. S. press and officialdom during this period, victimized for his views. 在这期间,斯诺受到了美国新闻界和政界极不公正的对待,由于他的观点,他受到了迫害。
Haggard and pale, shabbily or raggedly dressed, their boots broken and down at heel, they slouched past. 他们形容憔悴,面色苍白,穿得破破烂烂,拖着塌了后跟的鞋子懒懒散散地走过去。
A quiet and gentle man, had been so shabbily treated. 一个温文尔雅的人,竟受到这样怠慢。
A dirty shabbily clothed urchin. 衣裳褴褛而又肮脏的顽童。
I think you were very shabbily treated. 要我说,你真是受大委屈了。
He looks around and finds that there is a beggar with shabbily dresses. 他向四周看了看,发现个衣衫褴褛的乞讨者。
Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl vane moved like a creature from a finer world. 茜比尔?范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。
Set against the dark palette of the rain forest, the bear's fur appears shabbily radiant. 在雨林深绿色背景的映衬下,这只熊的毛发显得异常油光闪亮。
He was treated very shabbily by the press during this period. 在这期间,他受到了新闻界极不公正的对待。
Now I know better: my female colleagues don't go to coffee shops because they're shabbily treated when they get there. 而现在我有了更深刻的了解:我的女同事们之所以不去咖啡厅,是因为她们在那里得到的待遇不公。
There was a person driving ahead slowly in the busy traffic jam, stopping at the red light, suddenly a boy who was wearing shabbily knocked at the car window, and asked if he wanted to buy flower. 有一个人在拥挤的车流中开着车缓缓前进,在等红灯的时候,一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩敲着车窗问他要不要买花。
One story has a tired old man, shabbily dressed. 有一个故事说一个衣衫褴褛、神色疲惫的老人。
Don't you think you've treated me a little shabbily? 你不觉得这样对我有点卑劣吗?