This post originally appeared on the blog of hubspot co-founder Dharmesh Shah. 本帖最初发表于HubSpot联合创始人DharmeshShah的博客。
With the support from the US and the UK, the Shah modernised Iranian industry but crushed civil liberties. 在美国和苏联的支持下,伊朗王使伊朗工业日益现代化,但同时也使伊朗人民失去了自由。
Associated Press writers Rahim Faiez and Amir Shah in Kabul and Noor Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report. 由美联社作家拉希姆。费兹和阿米尔沙阿在喀布尔和坎大哈努尔汗作以上报道。
Mr. Shah said an IPO remains a goal, but it isn't working on one right now. 沙阿说,IPO仍是公司目标,但目前并未致力于此。
The World Gold Council's Shah says prosperity is driving demand in these countries. 沙阿说,这两个国家的繁荣经济正在拉动需求。
From every standpoint, it's made the process more efficient, said KCD's Shah. 无论从哪个角度来看,它都提高了这个流程的效率,KCD公司的沙阿说。
Very few chip companies can make money in this market, says Mr Shah. 沙阿说:没有几家芯片公司能在这个市场上赚到钱。
Sindh's chief minister, Qaim Ali Shah, spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry. 信德省的部长凯姆.沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。
Their design then unfolded precisely as the Shah and Bhutto had predicted. 这时,他们的阴谋也完全像伊朗国王和布托预言的那样展现出来。
Some USAID projects are based on similar partnerships with private sector companies, Shah said. 沙阿说,一些美国国际开发署的项目是以与私营公司的类似的伙伴关系为基础的。
After stealing the throne, Shah Jehan's son imprisoned him for8 years. 沙贾汗的儿子篡夺王位后,将沙贾汗囚禁长达八年之久。
Months of bloodshed, protest, but success: the ouster of the Shah and his oppressive government. 数月的流血,抗议,但是获得了成功:驱逐了伊朗国王及其政权。
Over three hundred years ago Shah Jehan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife. 三百多年前,沙-杰汗建造了泰姬陵作为他妃子的坟墓。
Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. 沙迦汗建造了泰姬陵来表达对他的妻子永恒的爱。
It is an amazing witness of Shah Jahan's deep love to his queen Mumtaz Mahal. 它见证了沙。贾汗对他的王后墨姆塔兹。马哈尔的深情。
USAID is now headed up by former Gates employee Rajiv Shah. 而美国国际开发署的现任领导人就是盖茨的前雇员拉吉夫沙阿。
Shah says it also creates possibilities of exporting cut flowers and fresh fruits from Kashmir. 沙阿说,它也创造了鲜切花出口新鲜水果和克什米尔的可能性。
Mr Shah had been at Morgan Stanley since 1988. 沙赫先生从1988年开始就在摩根士丹利任职。
A variation of critique of our policy is that the error was not the decision to arm the Shah. 对我们的政策还有另一种批评,认为我们的错误不是武装伊朗国王。
Mr Shah has been charged with insider trading but remains a fugitive. Ms Khan has pleaded guilty. 沙阿已被指控犯有内幕交易罪,但目前仍然在逃。汗已认罪。
The Shah Faisal Masjid in the capital of Pakistan is one of the largest mosques in the world. 中文位于巴基斯坦首都的费萨尔清真寺是世界上最大的清真寺。
In the18th century, the Sultan Mahmud the first had this dagger for Nadir Shah of Persia, but Shah was assassinated in connection with a revolt, so the Sultan retained it. 18世纪,苏丹的Mahmud首次将这把匕首送给波斯NadirShah,但是Shah由于牵涉到叛乱被暗杀了,所以苏丹人保留了这把匕首。
Shah Rukh tops amongst the actors, followed by Akshay Kumar and John Abraham. 沙鲁克台面的演员之一,其次是阿克沙伊Kumar和约翰亚伯拉罕。
Shah Mahal wanted his wife's tomb to be perfect. 沙阿玛哈希望他的妻子的墓是完美的。
On January 16,1979, the Shah left town, within a few weeks, the price of gas doubled. 1979年1月16日,伊郎国王出走了。几个星期后,汽油价格上涨了一倍。
My conversation with the Shah illustrated the basis of the Iranian American relationship during his reign. 我同伊朗国王的谈话说明伊朗和美国的关系在国王执政期间是建立在什么基础上的。
The Shah asked if I would return. 国王问我是否愿意回去。
Thank God Reza Shah put an end to all that. 感谢上帝,礼萨王把那些都废止了。
Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as an expression of love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. 印度皇帝沙贾汗建造泰姬陵,是为了表达他对亡妻泰姬·玛哈尔的深爱。
We don't blame Shah Rukh for breaking into a song every time she came across him! 我们不责怪成一首歌曲打破她每次碰到他来到沙鲁克!