萨满教(认为世界由善良和邪恶的神灵掌管,而拥有特殊能力的人可以控制这些神灵) Shamanism is a religion which is based on the belief that the world is controlled by good and evil spirits, and that these spirits can be directed by people with special powers.
However, Orthodox Christianity and Shamanism have also contributed. 同时也深受东正教、基督教和巫术文化的影响。
It is well-known that, Mongols believed in Shamanism in early days, and they are one of the nationalities for which Shamanism culture used to be the dominant. 众所周知,蒙古族早期信仰萨满教,是萨满教文化覆盖的民族之一。
You can clearly hear her inspiration from shamanism and Norwegian nature*. 你可以清晰地听到她那来自萨满教和挪威大自然的灵感。
Shamanism worshiped by the Manchus in the past may be classified into three kinds: witchcraft shamanism, family shamanism and palace shamanism. 满族原来信奉的萨满教有野萨满、家萨满、宫廷萨满之说。
Another was the saying "theory of creating the world", which mainly focused on Mongolian fairy tale in early day, the heroic epic, Totemism and Shamanism. 这种观点主要集中在早期蒙古的神话故事、英雄史诗、图腾崇拜和萨满教当中。
The Star Worship of Shamanism and the Germ of Northern Astronomy 萨满教星辰崇拜与北方天文学的萌芽
In Shamanism, art is used as a personal method to exercise the shadow content of the psyche and introduce it to the conscious mind. 在萨满教中,艺术用作一种个人方式来演示灵魂深处的内涵并传递为有意识的思想。
They practiced the old Turkish religion Shamanism and spoke a language close to Turkish. 他们信仰土耳其起源的萨满教,并说着和土耳其语类似的语言。
On the Study of Shamanism in Colonial East Asia from the Perspective of Cross-culture 殖民地时代东亚萨满教研究的跨文化考察
In societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination. 在社会上练习萨满教的人;可以联通可见世界和精神世界的人;练习巫术来治病或预言的人。
And the Manchu nationality has believed in Shamanism for long-standing time and it impacts lasting. 而满族信奉萨满教由来已久,创造了丰富的文化遗产,影响深远。
The belief System of Shi family is a typical representation of Manchu Shamanism, which covers the sacrificing objects of different families in Manchu. 满语“穆昆”,意为“家族、氏”。石姓穆昆的信仰体系是满族萨满教信仰观念的典型代表,它基本上涵盖了满族不同姓氏的祭祀对象。
The article discusses the basic information of the Daur Shamanism. 本文论述了达斡尔族萨满教的基本情况。
The "bagomal" celestial spirits sacrifices be used as the Shamanism importance part, and also with Mongolia Shamanism the honor versus dishonor with totally always survive is up to today. 宝木勒天神祭祀作为其重要组成部分,也与历经坎坷的蒙古博教荣辱与共一直幸存到今天。
In the beginning, they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic. 他们最初信奉萨满教,过着游牧生活。
Being Witchcraft but Not Being Religion& On the Nature of Shamanism 萨满教的本质是巫术而不是宗教
Shamanism still has considerable influence among some ethnic groups. 萨满教在一些民族中仍然有较大影响。
The sacredest duty of shamanism is follow with interest the clan society traverse abundant activity of offer sacrifices to gods. 萨满教以关注氏族生存为最高神职,通过丰富的神事活动凝聚整个氏族。
Shamanism is the traditional and ancient religious belief of Ewenki. 萨满教是鄂温克族传统而古老的宗教信仰。
The Spirits of Ancestors in Shamanism Belief in The Northeast China 中国东北部地区少数民族萨满教信仰中的巫祖祖先神
In religious aspect, the Daur nationality believed mainly Shamanism. 在宗教信仰方面,达斡尔族主要信仰萨满教。
Any animistic religion similar to Asian shamanism especially as practiced by certain Native American tribes. 类似北亚洲萨满教,流行于美洲土著的任何一种灵物论宗教。
Spiritual methodologies such as the many forms of Meditation and other Yogic practice, Buddhism, Sufiism and Shamanism can assist one here. 精神方法可以帮助人做到,如许多形式的冥想和其他瑜伽训练、佛教、苏菲派和萨满教。
The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy. 本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。
The magic or ritual from Chu culture is also a category of magic or ritual of Shamanism of "Asian-America Continuity". 楚文化中的巫术或仪式属亚美-文化连续体中的萨满教范畴。
Influence of Shamanism on National Consciousness of Modern Mongolians 现代蒙古人深层意识中的萨满教宗教观念初探
From it we see the deep influence of Shamanism on Mongolians. 由此可见萨满教对蒙古族影响之深。
Mongolian of Haixi state, Qinghai province, is once in charge of Heshuote tribe of Mongolia, people there believe in Gelu clique of Buddhism of Tibet and Shamanism. 青海省海西州蒙古族属原西蒙古和硕特部,他们信仰藏传佛教格鲁派及萨满教。
The Investigation and Analysis of Mongolian Shamanism Types and Functions in Xinjiang Area 当代新疆地区蒙古族萨满类型和职能的调查与分析