By John Steinbeck. A monumental classic by a master, explores the plight of the poor who are exploited by modern corporations in an epic tale of struggling sharecroppers. 作者约翰·斯坦贝克,文学大师的不朽之作,探讨了农工被现代工厂压榨的困境和挣扎。
Davis was born in the now-nonexistent town of Beech Springs, Louisiana, the son of sharecroppers. 戴维斯出生在现在已不存在镇榉木温泉,路易斯安那州,佃农的儿子。
I found pretty much what I expected: The old lady lived in a one room sharecroppers cabin in the middle of a cotton field. 我看到的跟我所想像的真是差不多:老妇人住在棉花田当中一个只有一间房的佃农小木屋里。
Its aims are to help small farmers, sharecroppers, and landless laborers increase food production and to stimulate rural development in general. 其目的是帮助小农、佃农、无地农民增加粮食生产,促进农村的全面发展。