There are few better feelings on a business trip or in life, probably than being greeted by a man in a suit holding a card with your name spelled out in sharpie. 出差时或是生活中,有一个男人在车里持着写有你名字的卡片向你打招呼,没有什么比这个更令人心情愉快的了。
Mr. Snyder said he was sometimes puzzled by the sales of the products that were in plastic bags and labeled with a sharpie, which made them look sketchy. 斯奈德说,他有时会为产品的销售感到很困惑,这些产品被装在塑料袋里,上面用记号笔画上标签,所以看上去有点糙。
Use a Sharpie to write your vegetable and fruit names. 用笔写上你的蔬菜、水果的名字。
Can you remember or should I write it on your chest with a sharpie? 能记住吗,还是要我用记号笔写在你的胸口?
One time I was waking up on a plane, it had been a long flight and I didn't have eyeliner& so I used a Sharpie. 有一次我在飞机上醒过来,那是一次很长的旅行我没有画眼线。所以我只好用一只记号笔。