And, more sheepishly, what about all the beautiful monogrammed gifts we received? 更令人为难的是,我们收到的那些嵌有名字的漂亮礼物怎么办?
I also wanted to make certain, she sheepishly confessed, that you're still alive. 我还想确定,她怯怯地坦白道:您是否还健在。
"I` m a very lucky guy," Mr. Badgley said sheepishly. 贝格利不好意思地说:我是个很幸运的人。
Eighteen months later, he sheepishly admitted his mistake. 但过了18个月之后,他难为情地承认了自己看法的错误。
You know, he said sheepishly. Gym stuff. 你知道,他腼腆地说,就是去健身房锻炼,跑跑步。
Who is going to talk proudly about their job, and who is going to sheepishly avoid the subject? 谁会充满自豪地谈起自己的工作呢,又是谁会不好意思地回避这个话题呢?
The man sheepishly walked away. I was amazed by what I had just witnessed, but this scene was repeated several times throughout the day. 这个别内疚的离开了,又一次,我被我所见证的惊呆了,而类似的事情正在一天中重现了几次。
Yvo de Boer sheepishly says that he has heard nothing about it, and promises to look into it straight away. 得波儿羞怯的说,关于此事,他还没有听到任何的言论,而且承诺马上调查此事。
As they check out, grinning a little sheepishly, the receptionist wonders idly they've managed to escape their respective spouses for the weekend. 当他们结帐走人时,接待员有点窘迫地笑着,一边无端地猜着他们是怎么避开各自的伴侣过这个周末的。
Bush looked at the queen sheepishly. She peered back at him from beneath her black and white hat. 布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王不动声色的回视近乎被她黑白相间的礼帽遮过。
The border guard, with no visible weapon, said, smiling sheepishly, that this was out of respect to North Koreans grieving the death of their Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il. 看不出配备了武器的边防哨兵腼腆地笑着表示,这是出于尊重正在哀悼亲爱的领导人金正日去世的朝鲜人。
John nodded sheepishly in agreement. 约翰羞怯地点头同意。
Sheepishly he handed her back the money. 他懦弱地把钱还给了她。
Somewhat sheepishly he confesses, ''I've just learned to live with my own guilt.'' 他有些胆怯地承认:我已学会了承认我自己的罪过。
Selecting one, he brought it home and, somewhat sheepishly, presented it to our father. 他只好选了一张带回家,有点怯怯地递给了父亲。
Potter and his bride walked sheepishly and with speed. 波特和他的新娘羞怯而快步地走着。
Between the time he suggested Toyota owners stop driving their cars and then sheepishly retracted his comments, he had reduced the carmaker's market value by nearly$ 4bn. 在他建议丰田车主们停驶自己的汽车,与之后腼腆地收回自己言论之间短短的一段时间里,他已经让这家汽车制造商的市值减少了近40亿美元。
He sheepishly admitted he had lost the money in a card game. 他羞怯地承认他在玩牌时输掉了那钱。
Joe's father, a worried-looking farmer with a thick accent, asked for Joe's hat. I returned it sheepishly. "Please don't upset Joe," he said earnestly. 乔的父亲,一个愁容满面、口音浓重的农夫上门讨还乔的帽子,我局促不安地还给了他。
Somebody went sheepishly and called for Mrs hall. 有一个人胆怯地去叫霍尔太太了。
She smiled sheepishly and said: listen to your mother that you go to Beijing, what time to go? 她羞涩地笑了笑,说:听你妈妈说你要去北京,什么时候去?
Yes, she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy. “是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。
He straightened up sheepishly, while the instructor stopped the car with the brake. 他难为情地直起身来,这时教练员用刹车把车停了下来。
As officials sheepishly acknowledged, Tokyo is acting unilaterally not a good thing when grappling with the ever-growing currency market. 日本官员羞于承认的是,东京方面正在采取单边行动在我们全力应对日益壮大的外汇市场之际,这算不上是件好事。
Three girls sheepishly raised their hands. 三位女孩局促不安地把手举了起来。
In fact, he had said, sheepishly, that he expected to get married in the spring. 事实上,他曾经羞答答地说过他准备明年春天结婚。
If I left it on my bank card, I would spend it, she says sheepishly, noting that, like most yue guang zu, she feels guilty about her spendthrift ways. 她不好意思地说:如果放在银行卡里,我就会花掉它。高航表示,与大多数月光族一样,她也对自己乱花钱的行为感到愧疚。
Sheepishly Jeff confessed that he'd written an essay for a highly coveted Earthwatch scholarship worth more than$ 2000. 杰夫腼腆地承认,他曾为了令人梦寐以求的地球监察的2000多美金的奖学金,写过一篇短文。
The gardener moved off sheepishly. 园丁胆怯地溜走了。
I give her a Mona Lisa smile to indicate I get her gist, although I do not, then sheepishly pay for my lunch and slink to a table. 我给了她一个蒙娜丽莎般的微笑,表示我明白了她的意思,然后有些困窘地付了饭钱,悄悄地溜到座位上。