He was known as Mad Shelley partly because of his eccentricity and partly because of his violent temper 大家都叫他“疯子谢利”,部分因为他的古怪,部分因为他火爆的脾气。
The style Shelley is using here is that of popular lampoon. 这里雪莱用的是通俗的嘲讽手法。
Shelley was overjoyed to see me 谢利见到我万分高兴。
Shelley was advised that the Italian climate would rejuvenate him 有人建议雪莱去意大利,那里的天气会使他恢复活力。
He heavily underscored his note to Shelley. 他在给谢利的便条内容下面重重地画了线。
Mary Shelley knew something about loneliness and abandonment. 玛丽.雪莱知道有关孤独和遗弃的滋味。
Shelley was unable to calm her. 雪莱无法使她安静下来。
But experts recognise that as Mary Shelley demonstrated in her famous novel, there are potential dangers too. 但也有专家认为,就像玛丽雪莱在她着名的小说《科学怪人》中所写的那样,这也存在潜在的危险。
I was in no mood to laugh and talk with strangers ( Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley). 我没有心情和陌生人一起谈笑(玛丽渥斯通克拉夫特雪莱)。
Shelley called the skylark a "blithe spirit" because of its happy song. 雪莱把云雀说成是欢乐的精灵,因为它的歌声令人陶醉。
There are few poets such as Keats and Shelley. 像济慈和雪莱那样的诗人现在少了。
Shelley's fame had spread beyond the walls of the college. 雪莱的名声已传到大学外边去了。
I'm deeply moved by this lyric of Shelley's. 我被雪莱的这首抒情诗深深打动了。
Shelley's body was identified by the volumes of Keats and Sophocles found in his pockets. 从一具尸体的衣服口袋里发现了济慈的诗集和索福克勒斯的集子,从而证实那就是雪莱。
Shelley is engaged to scott. 谢莉和斯科特订婚了。
Shelley never pardoned baseness of this sort. 谢莉绝不会原谅这种卑鄙的行为。
And as Shelley said, then the reviewers will tell their opinion. 正如谢利所说,审稿人会告诉你他们的意见。
Keats was contemporary with Shelley. 济慈和雪莱是同时代人。
Shelley, England's greatest lyric poet, came of a family of some importance and power. 英国最伟大的抒情诗人雪莱,出身于一个有点地位和权势的家庭。
Goethe, hugo, Keats and Shelley were all important writers associated with romanticism. 歌德、雨果、济慈及雪莱都是与浪漫主义有关的重要作家。
Shelley, as we had seen, had met her through her uncle. 正如我们前面看到的,雪莱是通过她叔叔认识她的。
He wrote an essay on a poem by Shelley. 他写了篇文章论述雪莱的一首诗。
"Shall I show you the shop for shoes and shirts?" shirley said to shelley. “我带你去看卖鞋子和衬衣的商店好吗?”雪莉对谢利说。
The poet Shelley had a romantic face, lived a romantic life, and wrote romantic poetry. 诗人雪莱有一张充满幻想的面容,过著浪漫的生活,写著浪漫的诗。
Shelley is divorced and lives alone. 谢利离婚了,一个人过日子。
Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry. 有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。
For Valentine's Day, Wayne gave Shelley chocolate and flowers. 为了庆祝情人节,韦恩送了谢利巧克力和花。
Romantic poets Keats, who died at the unripe age of26, and Shelley are buried here. 浪漫主义诗人济慈在26岁的盛年早逝被安葬在这里,与他相伴的还有雪莱。
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 玛丽?雪莱,《科学怪人》。牛津:牛津大学出版社,2001年版。
By this time Shelley had become a friend of Leigh Hunt and Peacock and had met Keats. 到这时,雪莱已和利·亨特以及皮科克成为朋友,而且与济慈会过面。