Deregulation shifted control of the transportation market from carriers to shippers. 政府干预的减少将对运输市场的控制从托运人转到了承运人手中。
This last part is important, because the shippers will not be able to send a schedule if they never received shipping requests. 最后一点是最重要的,因为如果传递者从来没有收到过传递请求的话,那么他就不能发一个日程安排了。
The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. 铁路运输业内的大规模联合意味着多数客户只能接受一家公司的服务。
Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be his with a round of huge rate increases. 许多“被控”客户还担心他们很快将遭遇一轮新的大幅涨价。
The efficiencies of the larger ships are a boon for individual shippers, and for the global environment. 大船效率的提高对于个体承运人和全球大环境来说都有益处。
That would mean continued chronic overcapacity, and even more pressure on smaller shippers worldwide. 而这意味着,产能过剩的局面将会长时间持续,同时也会为全球的小型运输公司带来更大的压力。
Shippers have urged the government to issue certificates that would assure foreign ports that goods are radiation-free. 货主催促政府签署向外国港口保证商品是无辐射的证明。
NVOCCs may enter into service contracts as shippers, but not as carrier. 只有有船承运人(有船承运人协议)可以作为承运人签订服务合同。
Iran also uses non-Iranian shippers and freight forwarders to obtain and export dangerous materials. 伊朗还利用非伊朗船运公司和货运代理人,以获取和出口危险原料。
US companies involved in third-country trade as well as foreign shippers and freight forwarders doing business with the US must be aware of their sanctions responsibilities. 参与第三国贸易的美国公司,以及与美国有生意往来的外国承运商及货运代理,都必须意识到自己在制裁方面的责任。
Shippers and carriers can make things easier. 托运人和运输公司可以让事情更容易一些。
Many shippers have expanded their operations in anticipation of a global boom. 很多发货人都开始扩大其业务希望达到全球业务的激增。
That has allowed coal mines and shippers to switch to cheaper rail transport from costly trucks for heavy cargos. 煤矿和其他货主在运输重型货物时,可以选择比比以往高成本的公路运输更便宜的铁路运输方式。
Kelly's directory of merchants, manufactures and shippers is a general trades directory in two volumes. 《凯利商人、制造商和货运行名录》是一种两卷本的一般贸易指南。
Shipping and shippers organizations You must show the consignment ticket and pick up your consigned luggage. 航运组织和托运人组织您必须凭托运单提取托运行李。
Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market. 许多“受牵制的”托运人担心会由他们来承担,因为南诺弗克和CSX公司加强了对市场的控制。
Shipping and shippers organizations 航运组织和托运人组织
Just as in the present, American capitalism in the late 19th century had generated powerful new interests, particularly the railroads and oil interests that provoked huge conflicts with farmers, shippers and their own workers. 与当前一样,19世纪末的美国资本主义催生了新的强大的利益集团,尤其是与农场主、发货人甚至自己的工人发生激烈冲突的铁路和石油利益集团。
Given the rising price of fuel, many shippers think they need huge ships to turn a profit. 考虑到燃料价格的飙升,许多发货人认为物流公司需要巨型油轮来创造盈利。
Large shippers logistics solutions, the strength of the cargo owners are welcome to consult with us long-term logistics services business! 大型货主物流解决方案,欢迎有实力的货主与我们联系协商长期的物流服务业务!
The main reason, apparently, is that shippers cannot get trade credit. 显然,主要原因在于运货人无法得到贸易信贷。
The shippers loaded the pallets of tomatoes or the other goods into the trucks and the driver drove off. 承运人把一集装箱的土豆和其它货物放进了这个卡车,然后这位司机把车开走了。
Occasional shippers can pay by cheque or cash. 偶然发件客户可以采用支票或现金方式支付。
But for shippers no less than for oilmen and miners, expectations of quick gains may be overdone. 但是,与石油和采矿业者一样,货运业者期待尽快获益可能为时过早。
Traders and shippers from both sides were involved. Participants, individual or units, please contact out Business Department. 对方的商人和运货人都参与了这种活动。参会的单位和个人请与博览会招商部联系。
First-tier traders and shippers say there is still availability in the market, but overall the outlook looks grim. 首先不同的贸易方和运输方仍然觉得其使用性,但是总体看来还是残酷的。
But people in Northern parts of Russia need food and other things for comfort living, so shippers should get this to them everyday no matter what's going on with the weather. 但在俄国北地区的人需要的食物和舒适的生活其他的东西,所以应该得到这个托运人向他们每天不管发生了什么事与天气有关。
Shippers have the right to appeal the detentions, after which the government can order products returned or destroyed. 托运人可以就食品被阻止入境提起诉讼,然后政府可能将货物返还或销毁。
Aren't the shippers required to get their shipments to us before they spoil? 难道送货人不应该保证在货物坏掉之前送到我们这里吗?
Real world producers, exporters and shippers were hit by the sudden drawback. 全世界实体生产商、出口商和运输商受到了突然撤出融资的影响。