But we should notice since defending autocratic monarchy, as the ideological base of the system of inquisition by torture and its absolution, it also has the responsibility that cannot be shirked for the phenomenon of long-term and extensive existence of cruel torture in traditional Chinese society. 但我们也应看到,由于维护君主专制、作为刑讯制度的思想基础及其自身的绝对化,它对酷刑现象在传统中国社会长期、广泛地存在也负有不可推卸的责任。
Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked. 公司有严格的纪律,没有人偷懒。
Having swallowed the talent ideology, they shirked their duty to hold banking leaders to account. 由于轻信了人才观,他们把令银行业领袖负起责任的职责一推了之。
It was a job everyone shirked whenever possible. 这是份人人唯恐避之不及的差事。
Portugal was a eurozone founder-member in 1999, but it shirked reforms to strengthen competitiveness in favour of a credit-fuelled consumer boom. 葡萄牙是1999年欧元区创始国之一,但它没有实施改革以提升竞争力,而是通过信贷刺激消费繁荣。
She never shirked her responsibilities. 她从不逃避自己的职责。
He felt that the Rubicon was passed; and that the trial, no longer to be shirked, must be firmly sustained. 他觉得大势所趋,既然这审判再无法逃避,那就必须坚定地挺下去。
The derelict soldier shirked his duties. 这名疏忽的士兵推卸了他的责任。
He shirked going to school that day. 他那一天逃课。
But in the first two turns of reforms, the four levels of governments of the province, the city, the county, and the township shirked mutually the shares of the reform cost and the responsibility; 但在前二轮改革中,省、市、县、乡四级政府之间互相推脱分摊改革成本的责任,结果这两次改革都变成了虎头蛇尾的“假改革”;
But New York's authorities have not shirked from arresting the head of one of the world's leading international bodies, nor from demanding that he be kept in jail on remand. 但纽约官方不会放弃逮捕这位世界上领先的国际组织首脑,也不会放弃监禁卡恩。
She did add that he often shirked on housework. 但她也补充称,他经常在家务活上偷懒。
For many Greeks, the rampant tax evasion highlighted by Mr vaxevanis is confirmation that the wealthiest have shirked their responsibilities to the country by sending their savings abroad. 对于很多希腊人而言,瓦克斯瓦尼斯所曝光的猖獗的逃税行为证实,最富人群通过把存款转移到国外,逃避自己对这个国家应尽的责任。
A young girl said to me, do you ever feel like we are the kids 'whose parents shirked their responsibilities and we are just the leftovers? 一个年轻女孩对我说,你是不是觉得我们就是那群父母逃避责任,我们只是留守儿童呢?
One week after operation, CTA examination were preformed in 9 cases, and there were no stent-graft disposition but with real lumen enlarged and false lumen shirked in eight patients, the other one patient still has dissection and false lumen. 术后1周,9例行CTA检查,除1例夹层未得到封堵外,其余8例内支架移植物均无移位,假腔均缩小,真腔均扩大。
The plan work not only is the government to the market macroeconomic regulation and control important method, is the public administration composition, also has the community policy the attribute, similarly has the responsibility to the public which cannot be shirked. 规划工作既是政府对市场宏观调控的重要手段,是公共行政的组成,又带有公共政策的属性,对公众同样负有不可推脱的责任。
With the increasing impact on social development and human lives since 20th century, companies have been more and more appealed to assume social responsibilities, and fulfilling the social responsibilities has become a great problem that can not be shirked anymore by modern companies. 20世纪以来,伴随着企业对社会发展和人类生活的影响不断增强,要求企业承担社会责任的呼声越来越高涨,履行社会责任成为现代企业不可逃避的现实。
As the teaching of mother tongue, Chinese teaching must undertake the great responsibility and play a very important role in developing the thinking ability of the students, which can not be shirked. 作为母语教学,语文教学必定承担了发展学生思维能力的不可推卸的职责和发挥重要的作用。