'Shoddy workmanship these days,' he remarked. 'No matter, it will still bear my weight.' “现如今的做工实在是差劲,”他说,“无所谓了,好歹还撑得住我的体重。”
We rap the manufacturers on their knuckles if the toy is shoddy 如果玩具质量低劣,我们会痛斥制造商。
I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service 对劣质服务我通常会立刻投诉。
American customers no longer tolerate shoddy goods. 美国的顾客不再容忍劣等货了。
This is a shoddy piece of work; it's hardly presentable. 这活儿不像样,拿不出手。
The market was glutted with shoddy goods. 次货充斥市场。
We must put quality before quantity; We should rather go without than have something shoddy. 我们必须重视质量,宁缺毋滥。
The markets were flooded with shoddy goods. 市场上一度充斥着劣质商品。
No one is interested in these shoddy commodities these days. 这种蹩脚货现在无人问津。
Laments about shoddy administration and corruption are commonplace. 对于劣政和腐败的失望情绪十分常见。
Even the state-owned media have said shoddy construction may have exacerbated the impact. 甚至国家电视台都说,劣制的建筑加剧了地震的伤害程度。
The shoddy health care products have a huge impact on the market of high-quality health care products and have a negative effect on the reputation of enterprises of high-quality health care products. 劣质保健品的存在,给优质保健品市场带来了巨大冲击,给优质保健品企业的声誉产生了严重的负面影响。
Certainly emerging economies make plenty of shoddy products and not a few rip-off copies of western and Japanese originals. 当然,新兴经济体制造了大量劣质产品,并仿造西方和日本的产品,生产出不少山寨产品。
If you look at the way the furniture has been put together, it's fairly shoddy. 你看看这些家具被组装起来的方式,做上相当差。
Toy companies and pet-food firms alike have found that their brands can be tainted if their suppliers turn out shoddy goods. 像生产玩具和宠物食品这类的公司已经发现,如果他们的供应商生产的产品不过关的话,他们的品牌形象也会受到牵连。
Tales of dangerously shoddy manufacturing within China are nothing new. 那些关于中国境内极度危险的劣质产品制造方式的故事已经不足为奇了。
They don't sell shoddy cloth for one thing. 意思是首先他们不卖劣质品。
Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods, pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished. 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、非法传销和商业欺诈行为。
Answer: this shop belongs to those who sell shoddy product to violate act. 答:该商店属于销售以次充好产品的违法行为。
Both of the news are related to fake and shoddy of "Shanzhai Edition". 这两个新闻都涉及“山寨版”的假冒伪劣。
Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers. 从远东进口的劣质商品受到英国进口商的鄙视。
After all, it is not all that long ago Japanese goods were written off as shoddy. 毕竟,在不那么久以前,日本商品还被看成是劣质产品。
It's a shoddy job if you ask me. 如果要我说,这活儿糟透了。
He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. 他手艺很随便、拙劣,使用的也是质量很次的材料。
He accused the garage of shoddy workmanship on the bodywork. 他指责汽车修理厂车身修理工艺拙劣。
This is a pretty shoddy exercise. 这是一种相当低劣的做法。
Unfortunately, when shoddy English reaches the customer, he may judge the product to be shoddy too. 遗憾的是,当顾客看到蹩脚的英语时,他也可能由此判断该产品也是蹩脚的。
Shoddy maintenance means shoddy quality. 假冒的存货意味着假冒的质量。
Revelations of shoddy construction and lax building regulation infuriated grieving parents in the aftermath of that disaster. 劣质建筑物和松懈的建造规章制度的揭露,使沉浸在那次灾难创伤中的悲痛的家长们极度愤怒。
Consumer activists such as Wang Hai have begun to help people sue the manufacturers of shoddy goods. 王海等消费者维权人士已开始帮助人们起诉假冒伪劣商品制造商。