It was strengthened when she learned that in many countries having shoos is a must for ② attending school, and ③ how walking ④ in bare feet can cause serious injuries. 解释:这个想法被加强了,当她知道在许多国家穿着鞋上学是必需品,并且赤着脚走路会导致很严重的伤害。
Back inside, he shoos the photographer out, pulls off his red tie and sits down at the dinner table. 回到屋内,他把摄影师轰走,一把扯掉红色领带,坐到了餐桌旁。
The military convoy breaks a chain to open the gate, shoos cows from its path and circles the property on bumpy dirt road lined by mesquite trees. 军队的车冲破了一道链子打开大门,把母牛从路上嘘走,并包围了位于两侧种满牧豆树的崎岖土路上的房屋。