He escaped the gray dreariness of Paris and later avoided army conscription in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 in this sunny shorefront village outside Marseille. 他逃离了巴黎灰色的倦意,后来又逃过1870年法俄战争的部队征兵,来到马赛郊外这座阳光明媚的海滨渔村。
At the Shorefront YM-YWHA of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, several hundred students are taking English classes at any given time and easily that many more are on a waiting list. 在布如克林区布兰顿码头的岸边基督教青年会,几百个学生学习在固定的时间学习英语同时也有很多人正在等待着加入学习。