The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him. 收银员弄错了,少找了他钱。
Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press. 实际上女性在新闻界仍然没有受到公平对待。
Dollar Thrifty shareholders felt they were being short-changed and that anti-trust concerns was just as much, if not more, of an issue with Hertz as it was with Avis. 但最后,DollarThrifty股东感觉自己吃了亏,而且与安飞士一样,赫兹也得面对同样的反垄断问题。
Except it seems to me it's a further fact about human psychology that we care more about being short-changed than we do about being, as we might put it, overcompensated. 只不过对我来说,它似乎是更进一步的人类心理学,即我们对于别人少找钱会更在意,而不会在意,过度补偿。
That's the second time I've been short-changed in that shop. 那家铺子少找钱给我已是第二次了。
Our children have been short-changed by the education system. 我们的孩子被教育体制骗了。
Of course it is tiresome to be short-changed and muddled together with visiting crowds, but I am optimistic. 当然,小贩们少找零钱、与游客人群挤在一堆,有些令人生厌,但我还是非常乐观。
I'm afraid I was short-changed. Could you look into it? 恐怕你少找我零钱了。你可以查一下吗?
The only way the US can repay its vast borrowings is by debasing the dollar – a process in which China will inevitably be short-changed. 美国偿还其巨额债务的唯一的方法是把美元贬值,而这样中国肯定会吃亏。
She complained he had short-changed her, but it was only a matter of a few pence. 她抱怨说他少找钱了,但只是几便士之差。
Students at Judge Business School in Cambridge, England, where Mr Roberts is ceo-in-residence, must feel short-changed. 罗伯茨是英国剑桥大学(cambridge)judge管理学院的驻院首席执行官(ceo-in-residence),那里的学生一定感觉上了当。
As for being short-changed, I doubt that you personally paid for your nursery education. 至于投入和回报不成比例,我不相信是你自己支付的幼儿园教育费用。
The talks broke down on the US belief that it was being short-changed by the flexibility in agricultural market access indicated by the EU and developing countries. 本轮谈判之所以破裂,是因为美国认为,欧盟和发展中国家在农业市场准入方面表示出的灵活程度,未能给予美国公平的回报。
Looking back at all the money invested in my more than 20 years of formal education, I feel short-changed by my income and quality of life. 回顾20多年来接受正式教育投入的资金,我感到自己没有从收入和生活质量中得到相应回报。
After a long battle with politicians, the internal revenue service appears be toughening its stance on international tax arbitrage that leaves taxpayers short-changed. 在与政界人士进行了旷日持久的斗争之后,美国国税局(irs)似乎正在强化对导致纳税人蒙受损失的跨境税收套利的立场。
This, in turn, has short-changed investments in our own people, and contributed to record deficits. 这反过来减少了我们对自己国民的投资,并催生了破纪录的财政赤字。
I can't say that boys are more short-changed. 我看男生并没有更受到忽视。
But BofA shareholders are not the only ones potentially short-changed by the deal. 但是,美银股东还不是因为这宗交易而可能吃亏的唯一群体。
We have been short-changed by the government. 我们被政府骗了。
I think I've been short-changed at the bar. 我觉得酒吧没给我找够零钱。