Small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America. 亚洲和北美洲西部多岩丘陵地带的短耳朵穴居的小型哺乳动物。
A short-eared owl on a fence post shows off its bright eyes. 一只短耳猫头鹰在栅栏柱炫耀它的明亮的眼睛。
The long-eared owl is found only in North Americal; the short-eared owl is ubiquitous. 长耳猫头鹰只有北美有,而短耳猫头鹰却无处不在。
Our winter visitors, including swans, short-eared owls, meadow larks and shrikes, are departing for their breeding grounds, while swallows, warblers, hummingbirds, thrushes and other species are arriving for the nesting season here. 冬季的访客像天鹅短耳猫头鹰还有野百灵鸟百舌鸟开始上路远赴繁殖地而在这里筑巢繁殖的如燕子苔莺,蜂鸟画眉等陆续来到。