The hospital is desperately short-staffed. 这所医院人手极为短缺。
Now the Department is heavily understaffed ( or short-staffed, short-handed). 目前该部门严重缺员。
Volunteer Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest. 接济穷人的食物银行、避难所以及危机中心,在假期都会因为工作繁忙出现人手短缺的情况。
Overall, the nation's vast, government-run health system can be a dangerous place. Hospitals are decades out of date, short-staffed and filthy. 从整体上看,印度庞大的、由政府管理的卫生体系可谓危机重重。医院设备落伍了几十年,人员短缺,环境脏乱。
But in order to avoid leaving the restaurant short-staffed, Hai-Di-Lao has limited the number of deliveries at one time. 但是为了避免餐馆人手不足,海底捞限制了每次叫外卖的数量。
We're short-staffed and everybody is under the gun. 我们人手不够,人人都在硬着头皮干。
With the economic downturn, there's been a fresh boom across the country in volunteer cadres of citizens taking on some of the routine duties of short-staffed police departments. 由于时下经济不景气,美国各地普通居民志愿者承担警察局某些日常工作的事例又一下子多了起来。
They're rather short-staffed at the moment. 他们目前相当缺人手。
Hey, it's just I'm short-staffed now. 嘿,我现在比较缺人手。
We're very short-staffed in the office this week. 本星期我们办公室人手不够。
E.g. We are short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release. 我们目前人手不足,因为小组里有两人脱产学习。
We've got a few people off sick at the moment so we're a bit short-staffed. 现在我们中有一些人因病缺勤,所以有些缺乏人手。
We're short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release. 我们目前人员不足,因为队里有两人脱产学习。
My hotel is very short-staffed at the moment and some of the guests have started complaining. 我的旅馆眼下人手严重短缺,一些旅客已开始抱怨。
The Ministry of Magic's Muggle Liaison Office was short-staffed, and no one had read the Muggle newspapers all that week. 魔法部的麻瓜联络处的人手永远短缺,因此,整整一周没人阅读那些麻瓜报纸也就不奇怪了。