Short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers. 北美东部短茎紫罗兰,开带有紫色脉络的芳香白花。
Short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions: wintergreen; shinleaf. 多年生草本植物的一个属,短茎,产于气候温和凉爽地区;鹿蹄草;鹿蹄草椭圆叶鹿蹄草。
A short-stemmed clay pipe. 一种短柄的陶土烟斗。
Prostrate or creeping Corsican herb with mosslike small round short-stemmed leaves. The T/ T copy would be sent out immediately after. 俯卧或匍匐的科西嘉草本植物,具小而圆、苔藓样的短茎叶片。付款之后,电汇样本会在之后的很短一段时间内寄出。
Any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads. 报春花属任何一种短茎植物,具有簇生基生叶和丛生的伞状花序和头状花序的绚丽的花朵。