She poked fun at people's shortcomings. 她拿别人的缺点开玩笑。
The only way to preserve democracy is to raise hell about its shortcomings. 维护民主的唯一办法是对其缺陷大声提出意见。
I recognize my own shortcomings 我承认自己的缺点。
Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners 婚姻常因为配偶双方的缺点而破裂。
His book has its shortcomings. 他的书有其自身的缺点。
There are still plenty of shortcomings in our work. 我们工作中还存在不少缺点。
There are many shortcomings in the film. 这部影片还有很多欠缺。
Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are, after all, only secondary. 她的缺点同她的成绩相比,毕竟是第二位的。
We all have some shortcomings. 人皆有短处。
We hope that you will not hesitate to make us aware of any shortcomings which you may find in this plan. 这个计划有什么缺欠,希望大家提出来。
Stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one.--Advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings. 他山之石,可以为错。
One should not gloss over one's shortcomings. 不要隐讳自己的缺点。
We must get over our shortcomings and mistakes in our work. 我们必须克服工作上的缺点和错误。
We should check our complacency and constantly criticize our shortcomings. 我们应该抑制自满,时时批评自己的缺点。
The performance has been arranged at short notice, so it's bound to have shortcomings. 准备仓促,演出少不了会有缺点。
After success, examine for shortcomings. 在成绩面前找差距。
Shortcomings will be remedied in future editions. 罅漏之处,有待订补。
His conduct has some shortcomings. 行止有亏。
Don't laugh at other's shortcomings. 不要讥笑别人的缺点。
While I admit his good point, I can see his shortcomings. 虽然我承认他的优点,我还是能看到他的缺点。
And time the existing shortcomings in the work were summed up at the same. 同时对现有工作中存在的不足进行了总结。
I have many merits also to have many shortcomings. 我有许多优点也有许多缺点。
Finally, it summarize the main ideas and shortcomings in this paper. 最后文章总结陈述了本文的主要观点和存在的不足。
It can help us know our shortcomings and inadequacy. 它可以帮助我们了解我们的缺点和不足。
Strengthen our work and overcome our mistakes and shortcomings. 要加强我们的工作,改正我们的错误和缺点。
Although it has gotten some achievements, there also exist many problems and shortcomings. 虽然取得了一些成就,同时也存在诸多题目和不足。
This paper analyzes some shortcomings in college administration of charging and the ways of charging from two aspects. 从两个方面分析了高校在收费管理和收费方式中存在的不足,并提出了一些浅显的改革见解。
The paper enumerates the measure methods of real estate bubble and points out their shortcomings. 并对房地产泡沫测度方法进行评述和研究,指出各种方法的欠缺之处。
Currently used fault phase selector components are compared and their characteristics and shortcomings are pointed out. 对目前实用的突变量及稳态量选相元件进行了比较,指出了其特点和存在的不足。