Since then, one of the premier sources of showmanship in the tech industry has kept a very low profile, surfacing only to deflect pesky questions about taxes and wax poetic about the magic of apple for a network television audience. 从那之后,科技界最具舞台魅力的公司却一直非常低调,只是偶尔回应一下令人讨厌的税务问题,或者向网络电视观众满怀诗意地描述苹果的魔力。
For all the talk about style and showmanship, Mr Prince says there is one thing that matters. 对于有关领导风格和表现力的说法,普林斯表示,有一点非常重要。
At the time, drinks were either stirred with long-handled spoons or tossed back and forth between two glass tumblers, which made for excellent showmanship but not great mixing ( not to mention the mess). 当时,酒水要么用长柄勺搅拌,要么用两个大玻璃杯来回倒,后者适合进行精彩的表演,但混合得并不好(更别提有时会弄得一团糟)。
Random was introduced using a mix of retro showmanship and new-media cunning. 《超时空记忆》的发布将怀旧表演技巧与新媒体技巧融合在了一起。
He has a charming disregard for showmanship, she says. 她说:他对作秀技巧的漠视自有其魅力。
The1930's brought on the growth of showmanship in cheerleading, and cheerleading became more entertaining to watch. 20世纪30年代,啦啦队运动开始向表演性发展,变得越来越有娱乐观赏性。
According to the quality request in the world first-class universities, we develop children's creativity, showmanship, organizing ability, practical ability, etc. 我们按国际一流大学对学生的素质要求来从小培养孩子,培养他们的创造力、表现力、组织能力、动手能力,等等。
His showmanship saved the lecture from being boring. 他的表演才能使演讲生动有趣。
What does Amateur Class mean in reference to Junior Showmanship? 业余手课对新手课意味着什么?
In the early1920s Zetta Hills, a determined young woman with a taste for showmanship, cycled across the English Channel on a bicycle mounted on two buoyant planks. 20世纪20年达早期希尔山上,一个有着出众表演才能的意志坚定的女性,用一辆安装在两块浮力板材上的自行车,横穿英吉利海峡。
He just puts in an honest night's work making stuff disappear and reappear, with a great deal of square humor and showmanship. 他只是用大量的幽默技巧和演出技巧使物体变的消失并再现。
Licking buttery fingers, we entered the Swine Building just as the "FFA Swine Show Showmanship Contest" began. 吸吮着沾满黄油的手指,我们进入了猪馆,“FFA猪儿才艺表演大赛”刚好开始。
We need your showmanship to build up the suspense. 我们需要你的表演来制造期待的气氛。
And young Michael was the center of attention: he handled virtually all the lead vocals, danced with energy and finesse, and displayed a degree of showmanship rare in a performer of any age. 少年杰克逊是大众瞩目的焦点:他实际上是所有歌曲的主唱、他的舞蹈充满活力和技巧,并且展示出了任何年纪的表演者中都少见的表现力。