They reckoned he was a hatchet man, out to shred the workforce and crush the union. 他们估计他是上司派来的刽子手,专门对工人大开杀戒,大肆镇压工会。
He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents. 他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁。
They may be shredding documents 他们可能是在粉碎文件。
Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples. 将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。
Cut the cabbage into fine long shreds. 将卷心菜切成又细又长的丝。
He said there was not a shred of evidence to support such remarks 他说没有丝毫证据证明这样的说法。
There is not a shred of truth in the story 这则报道中没有一句实话。
He was left without a shred of self-esteem. 他的自尊荡然无存。
There was not a shred of truth in what he said. 他说的全是骗人话。
Cut the potatoes into fine shreds; shred the potatoes 把土豆切成细丝儿
Not a single shred of meat can be found in this dish. 这盘菜里一丝儿肉也见不着。
Shred to relational SQL/ XML functions and annotated schema mapping. 用关系SQL/XML函数和带注解的模式映射进行分解。
Our databases have services that help shred and compose XML documents to and from relational table structures. 我们的数据库具有一些服务,能够帮助把XML文档分解成关系表结构和从关系表结构组合成XML文档。
After the annotated schema is registered, you can shred the MIML document into the relational target tables. 注册好带注释的模式之后,就可以将MIML文档分解到关系目标表中。
If you want to use standard SQL and BI reporting tools, pick shred. 如果想使用标准的SQL和BI报告工具,选择分解。
Do you have any shred of humanity or compassion? 你还有点儿人性和同情心吗?
Tiger's fury damage should now scale properly when used with shred and ravage. 狂暴和撕碎,创伤一起使用时将造成完全伤害。
I can't believe he just said that! He doesn't have a shred of manners! 他刚说的简直令我难以置信,他真是一点礼貌都不懂。
Shred of evidence, fiesh and biood, police procedurals. 证据的碎片,肉体和血液,警察的程序。
She told the police that the manager had told her to shred all the documents in the file. 她去告诉警察经理要她将档案中全部文件切成碎条。
Through the nausea and dizziness I saw something that gave me a sudden, final shred of hope. 在头昏目眩和恶心反胃之中,我看到了某件事情,这突然给了我最后一丝希望。
Guardians ( bears) will have Mangle, but not Shred. 守护者(熊德)会有割碎技能,但不会有撕碎。
If they are not indexed, the database engine must shred the documents and fragments for each reference. 如果没有为它们建立索引,数据库引擎必须为每个引用拆分文档和片段。
If you wanna shred with the big dogs, son. 如果你想和大腕一起混,我的孩子。
They haven't a shred of proof to back up these allegations. 他们没有半点证据来支持这些主张。
There's not a shred of proof he killed lucian, only his word. 没什么能证明他杀死了卢西恩,除了他说的话以外。
Have I accepted such a fate or still do I hold on to some foolish shred of light? 我是接受这种命运还是愚蠢的点亮一丝光线?
I defy you to produce one shred of evidence. 我倒要看看你能不能拿出一点证据。
The machine can shred all kinds of vegetables. 这台机器可将各种蔬菜切丝切碎。
There's not a shred of evidence to support your story. 你的说法没有丝毫证据支持。