As a result, commercial paper shredders are common in business of all sizes. 因此,商业碎纸机是常见的商业的所有大小。
"The year before Watergate, I sold 70 shredders," said John Wagner of Allegheny Paper Shredders. 阿勒格尼碎纸机公司的约翰-瓦格纳说:‘水门事件’发生前一年,我卖掉了70台碎纸机。
While the shredders were arguably more effective than steam-rollers in destroying the DVDs, it remains to be seen how far the current crackdown will go toward eliminating piracy. 虽然粉碎机证明它比压路机有更好的效果,但是对于目前的制裁行动消除盗版的成效还是有待观察的。
The reality of it is some shredders are 现实的是一些碎纸机是