But now, in an age of cultural shrillness and unrestrained rumor-mongering on the Internet, these three questions ( or variations of them) are finding new adherents. 然而,在当今这个崇尚刻薄文化的时代,在这个可以通过互联网肆无忌惮传播流言的时代,这三个问题(或由此衍生的东西)有了新的实际应用意义。
But also picked notes via the bridge pickup were clear and full, without shrillness. 而且经挑选债券大桥全面回升清晰,没有愈演愈烈。
It is an effective and proven way to restore high frequency speech and environmental sounds without undesirable artifacts or a perception of shrillness or tinniness. 事实证明,这是一个在不产生失真、刺耳、耳鸣的情况下重建高频言语、让聋人听到环境中的各种声音的有效途径。