Ever since, hes earned his living during shrimping season working long, grueling days so that he could earn enough money to support himself year round. 从那时起,他就开始在捕虾季捕虾挣钱,每天都要工作很长时间,累的精疲力竭,只有这样才能挣到足够支持一年生活的钱。
At sea, in the shrimping fleets, it is even worse. 海上捕虾船的情况更糟。
Speaking with local officials, this reporter has learned in fact, only one shrimping boat actually survived the storm. 据当地官员提供的消息,只有一艘船幸免于难。
Forrest Gump found shrimping is very tough. 阿甘捕虾是件的事情。
And a brand-new shrimping boat. 和一艘新捕虾船。
He decided to get out of the shrimping business. 他决定退出捕虾行业。
In southern Louisiana, idled fishermen whose fertile fish and shrimping grounds are closed due to that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are scrambling for another kind of work. 在南部路易斯安那州,闲置渔民的鱼,虾养殖场肥沃而关闭,由于在墨西哥湾的大量石油泄漏是另一种工作,争先恐后。
One boat captain, Dodd "Milk" Champagne, blurted: "Those of us with bigger boats are still shrimping because we can go further out to sea, beyond the closed area." 另一个人称“牛奶”名叫多德的捕虾人则说:“我们当中船大一些的还能出海捕虾,因为可以驶向更远的海域(近海已被污染)。”
Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain, but instead he died right there by that river in vietnam. 布巴本想做捕虾船的船长,可他却在越南那条河死了。