But, afraid that many more years would pass like this, she finally approached an organization that works with shut-ins by making home visits. 但是她很害怕再过上几年这样的日子,于是她终于向一家自闭症患者援助中心求助,这个组织可以提供家访服务。
Some shut-ins suffer from such illnesses as depression, agoraphobia or schizophrenia. 一些自闭者患有沮丧、旷野恐惧或者精神分裂等症状。
Herbert Birch Kingston, a philanthropist and candy company employee wanted to bring happiness into the lives of orphans, shut-ins and others who were forgotten. 一个名叫赫伯特·伯奇·金斯顿的糖果公司雇员兼慈善家想将快乐带给孤儿、不能出门的病人和其他被遗忘的人们。