She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes 西伯利亚大草原的艰苦环境使她变得坚强起来。
The five-years-old cross between a Maine Coon and Siberian cat keeps fit by going on daily walks. 这只五岁大的杂交猫着缅因猫和西伯利亚猫两种血统,通过每日坚持行走保持健康。
The father died soon after the family was deported to the Siberian region of Tomsk. 在全家被驱逐到西伯利亚地区托木斯克后不久,他的父亲便去世了。
There are about one thousand Siberian tigers in zoos. 动物园里大约有一千只西伯利亚虎。
Russian scientists have discovered whole mammoths frozen within the Siberian permafrost. 俄国科学家在西伯利亚的永久冻土里发现了整头的猛犸。
We're seeing rising interest in pretty inaccessible oil fields from Brazil to the Siberian permafrost. 我们看到,人们对从巴西到西伯利亚永久冻土层的那些相当难于开采的油田兴趣日增。
A Siberian and Alaskan Husky farm with 400 dogs is housed on the grounds of the resort. 度假中心的空地有一座西伯利亚和阿拉斯加哈士奇犬饲养场,里头养了四百只狗。
I have concluded this crime was committed by Siberian separatists. 我认为这个罪行是西伯利亚分裂主义者所为。
To the east, between the River Lena and River Yenisei, is the Central Siberian Plateau. 俄罗斯的东边,也就是在勒拿河和叶尼塞河之间是中西伯利亚高原。
She rode a Siberian tiger. 她居然骑一只西伯利亚虎。
Later in the year, Putin was given a2-month-old female Siberian tiger for his birthday. 在他2008年生日的时候,普京收到了一只2个月大的雌性东北虎作为礼物。
There are two kinds of gold-deposit formations within Caledonian foldsystem in the southwest of Siberian platform: a. 西伯利亚地台西南缘加里东褶皱系中,金矿床发育有两种建造类型:a。
One of the casualties has been the rare Siberian tiger, one of the world's largest cats. 罕见的西伯利亚虎也受到气候波及,这种老虎是世界体型最大的猫科动物之一。
The Siberian Husky's characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless. 哈士奇的标准步态是平稳轻盈和看起来毫不费力的。
Police killed the Siberian tiger, Tatiana, shortly after they arrived at the zoo Tuesday. 周二警方到达公园后,立刻射杀了这只西伯利亚老虎塔蒂阿娜。
Forests are mostly to be found in the Daxingan Mountains and Xiaoxingan Mountains, which are also home to protected animal species such as the Siberian Tiger, the red-crowned crane, and the lynx. 大兴安岭和小兴安岭不仅是主要的林区,而且也是东北虎、丹顶鹤和猞猁等野生保护物种的家园。
Most of the Siberian regional climate is temperate coniferous forests. 西伯利亚大部分地区属温带针叶林气候。
The pattern of the Reindeer Industry in West Siberian of Russia is an important issue for ethnology. 西西伯利亚的养鹿业类型学研究是俄罗斯民族学的一个重要课题。
Siberian ginseng has been used to treat coronary heart disease and blood clots. 西伯利亚人参曾经用来治疗冠心病和血栓。
In the harsh Siberian winter the tiger's coat will lose some of its color. 在严酷的冬季西伯利亚虎的大衣将失去其部分的颜色。
He also cultivated the image of a macho leader who can pilot fighter jets, ride a horse bare-chested and pet Siberian tigers. 他还树立了一个大男子主义的领导人的形象,其可以驾驶战斗机,袒胸露背地骑马和西伯利亚虎。
Siberian Crane The gorgeous bird breeds in arctic Russia and western Siberia, but thanks to severe wetland loss, it is declining rapidly. 西伯利亚鹤。这华丽的鸟类品种在俄罗斯北极地区和西伯利亚西部,但是由于湿地丧失严重,它是迅速下滑。
The Siberian tiger is the world's largest cat and lives in eastern Russia and parts of China and North Korea. 东北虎是世界上最大的一种猫科动物,生长在俄罗斯东部以及中国和北朝鲜的部分地区。
Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears, leopards and Siberian tigers. 珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和虎。
A city of western Siberian the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers. 鄂木斯克独联体苏联西伯利亚西部的一个城市,在鄂木河和额尔济斯河的交汇处。
All patients reported positive results from taking the cold pressed Siberian pine nut oil. 雪松籽油对所有患者都产生了良好的效果。
Zoos also have most of the world's Siberian tigers. 动物园里还有世界上大部分的西伯利亚虎。
While Coglan was describing to me the topography along the Siberian Railway the orchestra glided into a medley. 科格兰正在给我描绘西伯利亚铁路的地形时,乐队转成了集成曲。
This weather process was formed under the West Siberian Cold Trough moving towards southeast and developing greatly. 结果表明:西西伯利亚冷槽的斜压性结构使其强烈发展,为沙尘暴的发生提供了动力条件。
We also saw bear tracks and some lovely little Siberian deer. 我们还看到了熊的足迹和可爱的西伯利亚小鹿。